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Showing words for PROPORTIONATELY using the English dictionary

15 Letter Words for Proportionately


13 Letter Words for Proportionately

interpolatory, proportionate, protoleration

12 Letter Words for Proportionately

interpolator, proportional

11 Letter Words for Proportionately

apportioner, interpolary, interportal, platinotype, poltroonery, propylation, protonotary, protoparent, protoplanet, protopteran, reapportion, topopolitan

10 Letter Words for Proportionately

aeolotropy, anteriorly, antipopery, interparty, interpolar, intertroop, orientator, papyrotint, periportal, peritropal, peroration, platytrope, pleiotropy, polyporite, polyptoton, pornotopia, potentiary, potoroinae, preportion, propiolate, propionate, proportion, proreality, proreption, prototypal, reniportal, tetrapylon, toleration, torrential

9 Letter Words for Proportionately

alternity, antitrope, antitropy, appleroot, appointer, appointor, apportion, arreption, atriopore, epilatory, epotation, interloop, interplay, linotyper, lipotropy, literator, natrolite, notoriety, opalotype, operantly, operation, operatory, oppletion, optionary, orationer, painterly, paintroot, pantotype, parrotlet, paternity, patiently, patriotly, patronite, patroonry, peltation, peripolar, peroliary, petiolary, piperonal, piperonyl, platynite, ploration, ploratory, polariton, polyprion, polyptote, polytrope, porporate, portatile, portional, portioner, portolani, portolano, portpayne, potential, prelation, preoption, pretorial, pretorian, prolation, proletary, proparent, propionyl, propriety, propylite, proration, protanope, proteanly, protoiron, protonate, protopine, prototype, protreaty, pyrolater, pyrroline, rantipole, reappoint, reportion, reptation, reptatory, retortion, rottlerin, tartronyl, taylorite, tentorial, tertrinal, tolerator, topolatry, traitorly, tripylean, tritanope, tropaeoli, troparion, tropeolin

8 Letter Words for Proportionately

aloeroot, alpinery, alterity, anteport, anterior, antilope, antipole, antipolo, antipool, antipope, antitype, apertion, appointe, artotype, atropine, attorney, elytrtra, eolation, eoraptor, epilator, epiploon, errantly, interlap, interlay, interlot, interpol, intreaty, iterator, linotype, lipotype, literary, literato, lorraine, lyotrope, lyterian, neolatry, nitrator, nortelry, oilpaper, onolatry, operator, opinator, oppilant, oppilate, optation, optional, optionor, optotype, oratorio, oriental, oriently, ornately, ornerily, paintpot, paltrier, panotype, papyrine, parpoint, patently, patentor, patootie, patronly, patterny, pelorian, penality, pentitol, penttail, perioral, peronial, petiolar, petitory, petrolin, pieplant, pinatype, piratery, platyope, plenarty, pliotron, plottery, plottier, pointlet, pointrel, polarity, polopony, poltroon, polyopia, polypean, polypian, polypier, polypine, polypite, polypnea, polypore, polytone, polytope, ponytail, poorlier, porotype, portator, porterly, portiare, portitor, portlier, portolan, portrait, potation, potatory, potently, prattler, prelatry, preplant, preprint, preroyal, pretoria, pretrain, pretrial, prettily, printery, priorate, proalien, pronator, pronotal, propanol, propenal, propenol, propenyl, properly, property, propione, proponer, propylon, proroyal, protopin, pyroline, pyrolite, ratliner, ratooner, rattlier, rattline, rattoner, relation, repatrol, repliant, retailor, retation, retirant, ritornel, rotation, rotatory, rottenly, rottlera, taileron, tentoria, terpinol, terrapin, tertiary, tetronal, tileroot, tinplate, tintyper, tippytoe, toiletry, tolerant, tolipane, tonalite, tonality, topliner, topotype, trailery, traitory, trapline, trappier, triental, triplane, triplopy, tripolar, tripoter, trippant, trippery, trippler, triptane, tritonal, tritoral, troopial, tropaion, trotline, trypiate, tryptone, tyrolean, tyrolite, yanolite

7 Letter Words for Proportionately

aileron, airplot, airport, alerion, alienor, alnoite, alypine, anolyte, antipot, apeiron, apertly, apionol, aplenty, apopyle, apotype, apperil, appetit, applier, appoint, aripple, arnotto, arterin, atiptoe, atopite, atropin, attirer, elation, elytrin, elytron, entrail, entropy, epipany, inaptly, ineptly, inertly, inlayer, intrate, irately, iterant, latrine, lepanto, lepiota, lettrin, lineary, littery, loonery, loonier, loopier, loppier, loretin, loriner, lotrite, lottery, nailery, nappier, nattery, nattier, nattily, nepotal, nitrate, nopalry, notator, notoire, olitory, onerary, ontario, opaline, operant, operary, opianyl, orality, orarion, oration, oratory, ornater, ornoite, ortolan, otarine, otiatry, otolite, ottroye, painter, paintry, paleron, paletot, paneity, paniolo, panoply, pantile, pantler, papelon, papyrin, parenty, paritor, paroler, parpent, parroty, partier, partile, partite, partlet, partley, partner, partyer, patient, patriot, patrole, patroon, pattern, pearlin, peartly, peloria, peloton, penalty, pentail, pentrit, periapt, perloir, peroral, pertain, petalon, petitor, petrary, pettily, peytral, pientao, pierrot, pilotry, pionery, piperly, piperno, piratry, plainer, plaiter, planity, planter, platery, platier, platine, platoon, platten, platter, playpen, plenary, plenipo, plenity, plotter, plottie, plotton, poetito, pointal, pointel, pointer, poitrel, polaron, polenta, politer, polonie, poltina, polynia, pontile, poperin, pornier, portail, portate, portato, portent, portier, portion, portlet, portray, potator, potenty, potline, potrero, pottaro, pottern, pottery, pottier, praetor, praline, prattle, prattly, prelaty, preloan, preplan, preplot, preriot, printer, prioral, priorly, prittle, prolate, proline, pronaoi, pronate, pronely, pronity, pronota, propale, propane, propine, propone, proport, propria, propter, propyla, propyne, prorate, prorean, protean, protein, protone, protore, protyle, protype, pterion, pteryla, ptyalin, pyropen, pyrrole, rapeoil, rapiner, rapport, raptril, rariety, ratline, rattery, rattier, rattily, rattler, rattlin, rattoon, reality, reapply, reliant, repaint, replait, replant, repoint, repolon, reprint, reptant, retiary, retinal, retinol, retiral, retotal, retrain, retrait, retrial, rettorn, rettory, riantly, rippler, ripplet, roopier, rootery, rootier, rootlet, rorippa, rotator, rottolo, royalet, tailory, taintor, talipot, talpine, taperly, tappoon, taproot, tarrily, tartier, tartily, tartine, tartryl, tearily, tearpit, tentily, tentory, ternary, terrain, tertial, tertian, tineola, tintype, tippler, titanyl, toenail, tootler, topiary, topline, toppler, toprail, toprope, toptail, tornote, toronto, torpent, torrent, torreya, torrone, tortile, tortoni, totaler, trailer, trainel, trainer, traitor, tranter, trapper, tratler, treator, trenail, trental, triaryl, trinary, trinely, trintle, triolet, trional, tripart, tripery, tripler, triplet, tripper, trippet, tripple, tritely, tritolo, tritone, troolie, trooper, tropary, tropate, tropein, tropine, tropoyl, yappier

6 Letter Words for Proportionately

aerily, alepot, aleppo, aliner, aliter, aliyot, alpine, alroot, altern, alypin, anerly, aniler, anotto, anteri, antler, apiole, aplite, appert, applet, applot, apport, aptote, areito, ariole, aroint, aroynt, arpent, arrent, arrope, arroyo, artery, artier, artily, artlet, atoner, atopen, attern, atterr, attery, attire, attone, attorn, elator, eltrot, elytra, enrail, enrapt, enroot, entail, entity, entoil, entrap, entria, eolian, epirot, epitra, erolia, errant, etalon, eyrant, inport, intort, intrap, ionate, irater, ironer, ironly, irrate, irreal, lainer, lanier, lapper, lappet, lappie, laptop, larine, latent, latino, lation, latite, latron, latten, latter, lattin, layner, leipoa, lenity, lentor, leptin, lepton, lienor, liepot, linear, linter, lionet, lippen, lipper, lirate, litany, litote, litten, litter, loaner, loipen, loiter, lontar, loonie, looper, looten, looter, lootie, lopper, loppet, lorate, loriot, lotion, lotter, lyonia, lyrate, lyttae, nailer, naitly, napery, napier, napper, nappie, natter, nattle, nearly, neatly, nepali, nerita, neroli, nettly, nipper, nipple, nipter, nitery, nitryl, nitter, noiler, norate, norite, norito, norroy, notary, notate, nritta, nytril, oarier, oarlop, oilery, oleary, oleron, onlepy, oolite, oorali, oorial, oorier, ootype, opaion, openly, operla, operon, opiane, opiate, opiner, oporto, oppone, optant, optate, option, oraler, orante, orator, orient, oriole, orlean, ornary, ornate, ornery, orpine, otiant, ototoi, paeony, pailoo, painty, pairer, pairle, paleon, palier, palpon, palter, paltry, panter, pantie, pantle, pantry, papern, papery, papier, papion, papyri, pareil, parent, pariet, parine, parity, parley, parlor, parnel, parole, paroli, parpen, parrel, parrot, parten, parter, partie, partly, parton, patent, patine, patrin, patrol, patron, patten, patter, pattle, pattoo, pearly, pelory, pelota, peltry, penial, penlop, pentit, pentol, pentyl, pepino, pernio, pernor, pernyi, perron, pertly, petaly, petary, petnap, petrol, peyton, pialyn, pianet, piepan, pieton, pilary, pilate, pineal, pinery, pineta, pinole, pintle, piolet, pioner, pioney, piotty, pipery, pirate, piraty, pirner, piroot, pitpan, pitten, pitter, plaint, plainy, planer, planet, platen, plater, platie, platte, platty, player, playte, pleion, plenty, pliant, plotty, pltano, poetly, poetry, pointe, pointy, polary, poleyn, polite, polity, polony, polype, polypi, ponier, pontal, pontie, pontil, pooler, poorer, poorly, pooter, popely, popery, popian, poplar, poplet, poplin, poprin, porail, porett, porier, porina, porion, porite, porret, portal, porter, portia, portio, portly, potail, potate, potato, potent, potion, potpie, potter, pottle, prater, pratey, pratie, pratty, prayer, prepay, pretan, pretil, pretor, pretry, pretty, priory, prlate, proart, proine, prolan, proler, prolia, prolin, proner, pronpl, pronto, propel, proper, propio, propyl, protea, protei, proton, protyl, proyne, pryler, pteria, pterin, pterna, pteron, ptooey, pylori, pyoner, pyrena, pyrite, pyrola, pyrone, pyrope, pyrrol, railer, rainer, ranter, rapely, rapier, rapine, raport, rappel, rappen, rapper, rapter, raptly, raptor, rarely, rarety, rarity, ratero, ratine, ration, ratite, ratoon, rattel, ratten, ratter, rattle, rattly, ratton, raylet, realty, rearly, reloan, renail, renoir, rental, repair, repart, replan, replay, replot, report, repray, rerail, reroot, retail, retain, retial, retina, retint, retira, retool, retorn, retort, retral, retrip, retrot, rialto, rialty, rioter, riotry, ripely, ripper, rippet, ripple, ripply, rippon, riprap, ritely, ritter, roarie, ronier, roopit, rooter, rootle, ropani, ropery, ropier, ropily, rotary, rotate, rotolo, rottan, rotten, rotter, rottle, royale, tailer, tailet, tailor, tailye, tainte, talent, talion, talite, talter, tanier, tantie, tantle, taoyin, tapery, tapeti, taplet, tapnet, tappen, tapper, tappet, tappit, tarpon, tarpot, tarrie, tarten, tarter, tartle, tartly, tartro, tatler, taylor, teapot, teapoy, telary, telint, tenail, tentor, teopan, tepary, ternal, ternar, terpin, terral, terran, territ, terron, tertia, tertio, terton, tertry, tetany, tetrao, tetrol, tetryl, tienta, tiento, tilery, tilter, tilyer, tineal, tinety, tinlet, tinpot, tinter, tiplet, tipper, tippet, tipple, tipply, tiptoe, tiptop, tirret, titano, titely, titler, toiler, toilet, tolane, tolite, tolter, tonier, tonite, tonlet, tooart, tooler, toonie, toorie, tooter, tootle, topato, topepo, topnet, topper, topple, topply, torero, torino, tornal, torney, torpor, torret, torten, tortie, tortil, tortor, totery, totora, toyota, traily, trainy, trappy, trayne, treaty, trepan, triary, trinal, trinol, triole, tripal, tripel, tripey, tripla, triple, triply, tripot, trippy, triter, triton, tritor, trityl, troely, troner, trooly, tropal, troper, tropia, tropin, troppo, tropyl, trotol, trotyl, trypan, tylari, tylion, tylote, typier, tyrant, tyrian, tyrone, yaoort, yapper, yappie, yarner, yatter, yetlin, yipper, yopper, yorlin, yttria

5 Letter Words for Proportionately

aeron, aiery, airer, alert, alien, aliet, alite, ality, aloin, alone, alpen, alter, altin, anile, anlet, anoil, anole, anoli, antre, apert, apery, apiol, apoop, aport, appel, appet, apple, apply, appro, april, apron, apter, aptly, arent, arett, ariel, ariot, arite, aroon, arpen, arret, arrie, artel, arter, artly, atelo, ately, atilt, atole, atone, atony, atopy, atren, atrip, atter, attle, attry, ayelp, aylet, ayont, ayrie, early, elain, elint, eloin, enapt, enlay, enlit, enoil, enpia, enray, ental, entia, entry, eplot, epona, epopt, erato, erron, ettin, eyrar, eyrir, ileon, inapt, inept, inert, inlay, inlet, inrol, intel, inter, intra, intro, iortn, ippon, irate, irena, irone, irony, italy, laeti, laine, lairy, laity, laney, lapin, lapon, larin, laron, larry, laten, later, latin, laton, latro, latte, layer, layne, leany, leapt, learn, leary, lenti, lento, leppy, lepra, lepry, lepta, lerot, liane, liart, linea, liner, liney, linty, lippy, lirot, liter, litra, loipe, loire, loner, looey, looie, loony, loope, loopy, loory, loper, loppy, loran, loren, lorry, lotan, lotor, lotte, lotto, lyart, lytta, naily, nairy, napoo, nappe, nappy, narre, natty, nepal, nepit, neral, nerol, netop, netty, niepa, nilot, niota, nippy, nirly, niter, nitro, nitry, nitta, nitty, noily, noire, nopal, noria, norie, norit, norry, notal, noter, oaten, oater, oiler, olein, olena, olent, olepy, olona, onely, onery, onlap, onlay, ontal, oorie, opera, opine, opter, orale, orant, orary, orate, oriel, orion, oriya, orlet, orlon, orlop, orpin, orpit, ortet, otary, otate, ottar, otter, oylet, paeon, paine, paint, paire, pairt, paleo, paler, palet, palpi, panel, panto, paoli, paolo, paper, papey, papio, papyr, parel, paren, pareo, parer, parle, parli, parly, parol, parry, parte, parti, parto, party, patel, paten, patin, patio, patly, patte, patty, payen, payer, payor, pearl, peart, peaty, pelon, pelta, penal, penta, peony, pepla, perai, peril, perit, perry, perty, petal, petar, petit, petri, petro, petti, petto, petty, piano, piert, pieta, piety, pilar, pilea, piler, pilon, pilot, piner, piney, pinot, pinta, pinte, pinto, pinyl, piony, pioye, pipal, piper, pipey, pipra, pirny, pirol, pirot, piton, pitta, plain, plait, plane, plano, plant, plate, plato, platy, pleat, plena, pleny, pleon, plier, ploat, plote, plott, plyer, point, poire, polar, poler, poley, polio, polit, poloi, polyp, poney, ponto, ponty, pooli, pooly, poori, poort, pooty, popal, popie, poral, porer, poret, poria, porno, porny, porry, porta, porte, porto, porty, poter, potin, potoo, potti, potto, potty, poynt, prate, pratt, praty, prela, prent, preop, prepn, preta, prial, prier, prine, print, prion, prior, proal, proin, prole, prone, propr, prore, prote, proto, proyn, pylar, pylon, pynot, pyral, pyran, raile, raine, rainy, ranli, ranty, raper, rappe, ratel, rater, ratio, ratoo, ratti, ratty, rayle, rayne, rayon, realo, reina, relap, relay, relot, renal, renay, reoil, repay, repin, repla, reply, repot, repro, repry, reran, retal, retan, retar, retia, retin, retip, retro, retry, riant, riley, ripal, ripen, riper, riyal, roary, roate, roily, roleo, roneo, ronte, roopy, rooti, rooty, roper, roral, rorie, rorty, rotal, rotan, roter, rotor, rotta, rotte, royal, royet, royne, ryper, taily, taino, taint, taipo, tairn, taler, talio, talon, tanti, tanto, tapen, taper, tapet, tapir, tapit, tarie, tarin, tarot, tarre, tarri, tarry, tarte, tarty, tater, tatie, tatin, tatoo, tayer, tayir, teart, teary, teaty, telar, telia, teloi, telyn, tenai, tenia, tenio, tenla, tenor, tenty, tepal, tepor, tepoy, terai, terap, terna, terra, terry, tetra, tetri, tiler, tilty, tinea, tinta, tinty, tiple, tippy, tirer, tirol, titan, titar, titer, title, titly, toile, toity, tolan, tolar, tonal, toner, toney, tonto, toona, toper, topia, topoi, toppy, toral, toran, toret, torot, torta, torte, total, toter, toyer, toyon, trail, train, trait, trant, trape, trapt, treat, trial, trier, trina, trine, triol, trior, tripe, tripl, tript, tripy, trite, troat, trona, trone, troop, troot, trope, tryer, trypa, tyler, typal, typer, typto, tyran, tyrol, yapon, yarer, yarto, yearn, yenta, yrapt, yrent, ytter

4 Letter Words for Proportionately

aero, aiel, aile, aine, aint, aion, aire, airn, airt, airy, alen, alep, alin, aloe, alop, alto, anet, anil, anre, ante, anti, aoli, aper, apio, appl, appt, aren, aret, aril, arle, arni, arno, arri, arte, arty, aryl, atip, atle, atli, atop, atry, atte, attn, atty, ayen, ayin, ayne, ayre, earl, earn, eila, eira, eiry, elan, enol, ento, entr, eoan, eorl, epil, epit, epop, eral, erat, eria, erin, etat, etna, eton, eyot, eyra, iare, ilea, ilot, inly, inro, inta, intl, into, intr, iota, iran, iron, irpe, ital, itel, iter, iyar, laen, laer, laet, lain, lair, lait, lane, lant, lapp, lare, lari, larn, late, lati, lean, leap, lear, leat, leir, lena, leno, lent, leon, lepa, lerp, leto, lett, liar, lien, lier, lina, line, lino, lint, liny, lion, lipa, lipe, lira, lire, lite, loan, loin, loir, lone, loon, loop, loor, loot, lope, lora, lore, lori, lorn, loro, lory, lota, lote, loti, loto, loyn, lyne, lyon, lyra, lyre, lyte, nael, nail, naio, nale, naoi, nape, nare, narr, nary, natl, nato, natr, neal, neap, near, neat, nepa, neti, nile, nipa, nirl, nito, noel, noil, noir, nole, nolo, nolt, noop, nope, nore, nori, nota, note, nott, nyet, nypa, oary, oaty, oily, oint, olea, oleo, olio, olpe, oner, only, onto, oont, oory, opai, opal, open, oppo, orae, oral, oran, oreo, orle, orlo, orly, orna, orra, otoe, otto, oyer, pail, pain, paip, pair, pale, pali, palp, palt, paly, pane, pant, paon, pape, pare, pari, parl, parp, parr, part, pate, pato, patt, paty, paye, payt, peai, peal, pean, pear, peat, pela, pelt, peni, pent, peon, pepo, peri, pern, perp, pert, peta, peto, pial, pian, pien, pier, piet, pila, pile, pily, pina, pine, pino, pint, pion, pioy, pipa, pipe, pipy, pirl, pirn, pirr, pita, pity, plan, plap, plat, play, plea, plia, plie, plop, plot, ploy, poet, poil, pole, polo, polt, poly, pone, pont, pony, pooa, pool, poon, poop, poor, poot, pope, pore, porn, porr, port, pory, pote, poti, pott, pptn, prao, prat, pray, prep, pret, prey, prie, prin, prio, proa, pron, proo, prop, pyal, pyat, pyet, pyin, pyla, pyne, pyot, pyre, pyro, rail, rain, rait, rale, rane, rant, rape, rapt, rare, rate, rato, real, rean, reap, rear, rein, reit, rely, reno, rent, reny, repl, repo, repp, repr, rept, rial, riel, rier, rile, rine, riot, ripa, ripe, ripp, ript, rita, rite, ritt, roan, roar, roer, roey, roil, roin, roit, role, rone, ront, rool, roon, roop, root, rope, ropp, ropy, rort, rory, rota, rote, roti, rotl, roto, royt, rtlt, ryal, ryen, rynt, ryot, rype, tael, taen, tail, tain, tait, tale, tali, tane, tape, tare, tari, tarn, taro, tarp, tarr, tart, tate, teal, tean, teap, tear, teat, teil, tela, teli, telt, tent, tepa, tera, tern, terp, terr, tiao, tiar, tien, tier, tile, tilt, tine, tint, tiny, tipe, tipt, tire, tirl, tirr, tite, toat, toea, toey, toil, toit, tola, tole, tolt, tone, tony, tool, toon, toop, toot, tope, topi, topo, tore, tori, torn, toro, torr, tort, tote, toto, toty, toyo, trap, trat, tray, tret, trey, trie, trin, trio, trip, trit, trna, tron, trop, trot, troy, trye, tryp, tryt, tyer, tyin, tyne, type, typo, typp, tyro, tyrr, tyte, tyto, yair, yale, yali, yapp, yare, yarl, yarn, yarr, yate, yati, yean, year, yeat, yelp, yelt, yeni, yern, yeta, yeti, yett, yilt, yipe, yirn, yirr, yite, yoni, yont, yoop, yore, yote

3 Letter Words for Proportionately

aer, ail, ain, air, ait, ale, aln, alo, alp, alt, aly, ane, ant, any, aor, ape, apl, app, apr, apt, are, arn, arr, art, ary, ate, atp, att, aye, ayr, ean, ear, eat, eir, ela, eli, elt, enl, eon, epa, epi, era, ern, err, ert, eta, ety, eyl, eyn, eyr, iao, ile, ilo, int, ion, ipl, ipo, ipr, ira, ire, ita, iyo, lai, lan, lao, lap, lar, lat, lay, lea, lei, leo, lep, ler, let, ley, lie, lin, lip, lir, lit, lnr, loa, loe, loo, lop, lor, lot, loy, lpn, ltr, lye, lyn, nae, nap, nar, nat, nay, nea, nei, neo, nep, net, nie, nil, nip, nit, noa, nol, noo, nor, not, noy, nye, oar, oat, oer, oie, oil, ola, ole, olp, ona, one, oni, ono, ont, ony, oon, oop, oor, oot, opa, ope, opp, opt, ora, ore, orl, ort, ory, oto, oye, pal, pan, pap, par, pat, pay, pea, pel, pen, pep, per, pet, pia, pie, pil, pin, pip, pir, pit, pli, ply, poa, poi, pol, pon, poo, pop, por, pot, poy, ppa, ppi, ppl, ppr, ppt, pre, prn, pro, prp, pry, pta, pte, ptp, ptt, pty, pya, pye, pyr, rai, ran, rap, rat, ray, rea, rei, rel, rep, ria, rie, rin, rio, rip, rit, rle, rly, rna, roe, roi, ron, roo, rot, rpt, rte, rti, rya, rye, tai, tal, tan, tao, tap, tar, tat, tay, tea, tel, ten, ter, tet, tie, til, tin, tip, tit, tln, tlo, tlr, tnt, toa, toe, toi, tol, ton, too, top, tor, tot, toy, tpi, tra, tri, trp, trt, try, tty, tye, typ, tyr, tyt, yan, yap, yar, yat, yea, yen, yeo, yep, yer, yet, yin, yip, yoe, yoi, yon, yor, yot

Definitions for Proportionately

[1] proportioned; being in due proportion; proportional.
[2] to make proportionate.
[3] being in proper proportion
[4] (tr) to make proportionate

Words related to Proportionately

proportionaterather, comparatively, approximately, almost, nearly, somewhat, comparably, fairly, uniformly, justly, equitably, equally, squarely, precisely, identically, appropriately, thus, properly, therefore, subsequently

Words nearby Proportionately

proportionateproportional counter, proportional font, proportional limit, proportional representation, proportional spacing, proportionate, proportioned, proportionment, proposal, propose, proposition

Origin of Proportionately

1350–1400; Middle English proporcionate < Late Latin prōportiōnātus. See proportion, -ate1

Words that may be confused with Proportionately

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, proportionateproportional, proportionate

Other words from Proportionately

pro·por·tion·ate·ly , adverb
pro·por·tion·ate·ness , noun
non·pro·por·tion·ate , adjective
non·pro·por·tion·ate·ly , adverb
non·pro·por·tion·ate·ness , noun
un·pro·por·tion·ate , adjective
un·pro·por·tion·ate·ly , adverb

Synonyms for Proportionately

according to the calculated share, ad valorem, correlatively, in proportion, prorate, prorated, respectively