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Showing words for PROROGUE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Prorogue
7 Letter Words for Prorogue
6 Letter Words for Prorogue
5 Letter Words for Prorogue
4 Letter Words for Prorogue
3 Letter Words for Prorogue
Definitions for Prorogue
[1] to discontinue a session of (the British Parliament or a similar body).
[2] to defer; postpone.
[3] to discontinue the meetings of (a legislative body) without dissolving it
Words related to Prorogue
defer, suspend, delay, shelve, adjourn, postpone, reschedule, terminate, dissolve, waive, freeze, prolong, mothball, stop, detain, arrest, hold, bar, halt, eject
Words nearby Prorogue
propylphenyl acetate, propylthiouracil, prorate, proreform, prorennin, prorogue, prorubricyte, pros and cons, pros-, pros., pros. atty.
Origin of Prorogue
1375–1425; late Middle English proroge < Latin prōrogāre to prolong, protract, defer, literally, to ask publicly, equivalent to prō- pro-1 + rogāre to ask, propose
Other words from Prorogue
pro·ro·ga·tion [proh-ruh -gey -shuh n] /ˌproʊ rəˈgeɪ ʃən/ , noun
non·pro·ro·ga·tion , noun
un·pro·rogued , adjective
Word origin for Prorogue
C15: from Latin prorogāre literally: to ask publicly, from prō- in public + rogāre to ask
Synonyms for Prorogue
adjourn, defer, delay, hold up, shelve, suspend, pigeonhole, table, cool it, give a rain check, hang fire, hold off, hold over, lay over, put back, put on back burner, put on hold