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Showing words for PROSPECTOR using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Prospector


9 Letter Words for Prospector

prepostor, prosector

8 Letter Words for Prospector

coresort, croppers, porrects, proctors, proposer, prospect, prospero, prosport, protores, stropper, troopers

7 Letter Words for Prospector

coopers, cooters, coppers, coprose, copters, corpore, corresp, cropper, opposer, poorest, pooters, porrect, porters, potrero, presort, pretors, proctor, propers, proport, propose, propter, prosect, prosper, protore, rectors, reports, rooster, rooters, scooper, scooter, scorper, spector, spoorer, sporter, stooper, stopper, strepor, toppers, toprope, toreros, torpors, trooper

6 Letter Words for Prospector

ceptor, cooers, cooper, coopts, cooser, cooter, copers, copper, coppet, copter, corers, corpse, correo, corser, corset, cortes, coster, croose, crores, croset, epopts, escort, octose, oppose, opters, ospore, poorer, poorts, pooter, porers, porose, porret, porter, poster, postop, preops, presto, pretor, proper, propos, prores, proser, recost, recrop, rector, rectos, report, repost, repots, repros, reroot, resort, respot, retros, rooser, rooter, ropers, roscoe, roster, rotors, scopet, scorer, scoter, scroop, sector, seroot, sooper, sooter, sopper, sorcer, sorter, stoope, stoper, storer, topepo, topers, topper, torero, torose, torpor, troops, troper, tropes, troppo

5 Letter Words for Prospector

ceros, certs, cooer, coops, coopt, coost, coots, coper, copes, copps, copse, corer, cores, corps, corse, corso, coset, coste, cotes, crept, crest, crops, crore, crose, crost, epopt, escot, estoc, estop, estro, ocote, oppos, opter, pecos, pepos, perps, perst, perts, pesto, petos, petro, poets, poops, poort, poots, popes, porer, pores, poret, poros, porte, porto, ports, poser, poter, potes, potos, preop, preps, proos, propr, props, prore, prose, proso, prost, prote, proto, recpt, recto, repos, repot, repps, repro, restr, retro, roops, roose, roost, roots, roper, ropes, rores, rorts, roser, roset, roter, rotes, rotor, rotos, scoop, scoot, scope, score, scote, scroo, soote, sopor, sorer, spect, spoor, spoot, spore, sport, spret, sprot, stero, stoep, stoop, stope, store, strep, strop, tepor, terrs, tocos, toper, topes, topos, torcs, tores, toros, torrs, torse, torso, troco, troop, trope

4 Letter Words for Prospector

ceps, cero, cert, cest, coes, coop, coos, coot, cope, copr, cops, copt, core, corp, corr, cors, cort, cose, cost, cote, coto, cots, cres, crop, crpe, crts, ecto, epop, epos, eros, errs, erst, esop, oops, oose, oots, opec, opes, oppo, opts, orcs, oreo, ores, orts, otoe, pecs, pepo, peps, perp, pers, pert, peso, pest, peto, pets, poco, poet, poop, poor, poos, poot, pope, pops, porc, pore, porr, port, pose, post, pote, pots, prec, prep, pres, pret, proc, proo, prop, pros, psec, rcpt, recs, rect, repo, repp, repr, reps, rept, resp, rest, rets, rocs, roer, roes, roop, roos, root, rope, ropp, rort, rose, rost, rotc, rote, roto, rots, scet, scop, scot, seco, sect, seor, sept, sero, serr, sert, soce, soco, soop, soot, sope, sore, sort, spec, spet, spor, spot, step, ster, stop, stor, stre, terp, terr, toco, tocs, toes, toop, tope, topo, tops, torc, tore, toro, torr, tors, tose, tres, trop

3 Letter Words for Prospector

ceo, cep, cer, coo, cop, cor, cos, cot, cpo, cpr, cps, cpt, cro, crs, crt, csp, cst, cte, cto, ctr, cts, eco, ect, eos, err, ers, ert, esc, esp, esr, est, etc, oct, oer, oes, oop, oor, oos, oot, ope, opp, ops, opt, orc, ore, ors, ort, ose, otc, oto, pcp, pct, pec, pep, per, pes, pet, poo, pop, por, pos, pot, ppr, pps, ppt, prc, pre, pro, prp, prs, pst, pte, ptp, pts, rct, rec, rep, res, roc, roe, roo, ros, rot, rps, rpt, rte, scr, sct, sec, sep, ser, set, soc, sop, sot, spp, spt, str, tcp, tec, ter, tes, toc, toe, too, top, tor, tos, tps, trp, trs, tsp

Definitions for Prospector

[1] Usually prospects. an apparent probability of advancement, success, profit, etc. the outlook for the future: good business prospects.
[2] anticipation; expectation; a looking forward.
[3] something in view as a source of profit.
[4] a potential or likely customer, client, etc.
[5] a potential or likely candidate.
[6] a view, especially of scenery; scene.
[7] outlook or view over a region or in a particular direction.
[8] a mental view or survey, as of a subject or situation.
[9] Mining . an apparent indication of ore or native metal. a place giving such indications. a mine working or excavation undertaken in a search for additional ore.
[10] Archaic . sight; range of vision.
[11] to search or explore (a region), as for gold.
[12] to work (a mine or claim) experimentally in order to test its value.
[13] to search or explore a region for gold or the like.
[14] in prospect , under consideration; expected; in view: He had no other alternative in prospect.
[15] a person who searches for the natural occurrence of gold, petroleum, etc
[16] (sometimes plural) a probability or chance for future success, esp as based on present work or aptitude a good job with prospects
[17] a vision of the future; what is foreseen; expectation she was excited at the prospect of living in London ; unemployment presents a grim prospect
[18] a view or scene, esp one offering an extended outlook
[19] a prospective buyer, project, etc
[20] a survey or observation
[21] mining a known or likely deposit of ore the location of a deposit of ore a sample of ore for testing the yield of mineral obtained from a sample of ore
[22] (when intr, often foll by for ) to explore (a region) for gold or other valuable minerals
[23] (tr) to work (a mine) to discover its profitability
[24] (intr often foll by for ) to search (for)

Words related to Prospector

prospectminer, sourdough

Words nearby Prospector

prospectprosopoplegia, prosopopoeia, prosoposchisis, prosopospasm, prosopyle, prospect, prospect heights, prospective, prospector, prospectus, prosper

Origin of Prospector

1400–50; late Middle English prospecte < Latin prōspectus outlook, view. See prospectus

Other words from Prospector

pros·pect·less , adjective
pros·pec·tor [pros -pek-ter, pruh -spek -ter] /ˈprɒs pɛk tər, prəˈspɛk tər/ , noun
non·pros·pect , noun
un·der·pros·pect , noun

Word origin for Prospector

C15: from Latin prōspectus distant view, from prōspicere to look into the distance, from prō- forward + specere to look

Synonyms for Prospector

miner, sourdough