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Showing words for PRUNE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Prune
4 Letter Words for Prune
3 Letter Words for Prune
Definitions for Prune
[1] a variety of plum that dries without spoiling.
[2] such a plum when dried.
[3] any plum.
[4] to cut or lop off (twigs, branches, or roots).
[5] to cut or lop superfluous or undesired twigs, branches, or roots from; trim.
[6] to rid or clear of (anything superfluous or undesirable).
[7] to remove (anything considered superfluous or undesirable).
[8] Archaic . to preen.
[9] a purplish-black partially dried fruit of any of several varieties of plum tree
[10] slang , mainly British a dull, uninteresting, or foolish person
[11] to remove (dead or superfluous twigs, branches, etc) from (a tree, shrub, etc), esp by cutting off
[12] to remove (anything undesirable or superfluous) from (a book, etc)
[13] an archaic word for preen 1
Words related to Prune
shave, shorten, shear, snip, clip, reduce, shape, dock, lop, eliminate, gut, exclude, thin, skive
Words nearby Prune
prudentius, prudery, prudhoe bay, prudish, pruinose, prune, prune-belly syndrome, prunella, prunelle, pruning hook, pruning shears
Origin of Prune
31350–1400; Middle English prunen, pruynen, proy(g)nen < Old French poroign-, present stem of poroindre, equivalent to por- (< Latin pro- pro-1) + oindre to anoint (< Latin unguere ); see preen1
Other words from Prune
prun·a·ble , adjective
prun·a·bil·i·ty , noun
prun·er , noun
un·prun·a·ble , adjective
prun·a·ble , adjective
Word origin for Prune
C15: from Old French proignier to clip, probably from provigner to prune vines, from provain layer (of a plant), from Latin propāgo a cutting
Synonyms for Prune
cut back, shave, shear, shorten, snip, clip, dock, eliminate, exclude, gut, lop, reduce, shape, skive, thin, knock off, pare down