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Showing words for PRURIENCY using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Pruriency


7 Letter Words for Pruriency

cuprein, curnier, cyprine, purreic, pyrenic, reincur, unriper

6 Letter Words for Pruriency

cunyie, curine, curney, curnie, curpin, currie, erucin, neuric, penury, percur, pernyi, pincer, pinery, pirner, pricer, pricey, prince, pruine, pruner, puirer, punier, purine, ruiner, unepic, unripe, uprein

5 Letter Words for Pruriency

cerin, crepy, crier, criey, crine, cripe, cunei, cunye, curer, curie, curin, curny, curry, cypre, encup, eyrir, incur, inure, nicer, nurry, perry, picry, piner, piney, pirny, price, prier, prine, prune, pucer, punce, punic, purer, purey, purin, purre, purry, pyric, recip, recur, repic, repin, repry, rerun, ricer, ricey, ripen, riper, runer, runic, rupie, ryper, unice, unrip, upcry, ureic, urine, yince

4 Letter Words for Pruriency

cern, cine, cire, crin, crip, crpe, crue, crup, cuir, cure, curn, curr, cury, ecru, eiry, ency, epic, eric, erin, eruc, icer, incr, irpe, iure, nice, nurr, peni, peri, pern, peru, pice, pien, pier, pine, pirn, pirr, pnce, prec, prey, prie, prin, puce, puer, puir, puny, pure, puri, purr, pyic, pyin, pyne, pyre, rein, reny, repr, rice, ricy, rier, rine, ripe, ruen, ruer, ruin, rune, rurp, ryen, rype, unce, unci, unie, uric, ycie, yeni, yern, yipe, yirn, yirr

3 Letter Words for Pruriency

cen, cep, cer, cie, cir, cpi, cpr, cpu, cru, cry, cue, cun, cup, cur, cyp, ecu, eir, enc, epi, ern, err, eyn, eyr, ice, icy, inc, ipr, ire, nei, nep, nie, nip, nur, nye, pci, pec, pen, per, pic, pie, pin, pir, piu, prc, pre, prn, pry, pun, pur, puy, pye, pyr, rec, rei, rep, rie, rin, rip, ruc, rue, run, rye, uey, unc, uni, unp, ure, urn, urp, yen, yep, yer, yin, yip, yue, yup

Definitions for Pruriency

[1] having, inclined to have, or characterized by lascivious or lustful thoughts, desires, etc.
[2] causing lasciviousness or lust.
[3] having a restless desire or longing.
[4] unusually or morbidly interested in sexual thoughts or practices
[5] exciting or encouraging lustfulness; erotic

Words related to Pruriency

prurienterotic, sexual, salacious, bawdy, carnal, crude, desirous, fleshly, horny, hot, lecherous, lewd, libertine, libidinous, licentious, lustful, obscene, offensive, pornographic, raunchy

Words nearby Pruriency

prurientprunella, prunelle, pruning hook, pruning shears, prunt, prurient, pruriginous, prurigo, prurigo mitis, prurigo nodularis, prurigo simplex

Origin of Pruriency

t1630–40; < Latin prūrient- (stem of prūriēns ), present participle of prūrīre to itch

Other words from Pruriency

pru·ri·ence , pru·ri·en·cy , noun
pru·ri·ent·ly , adverb

Word origin for Pruriency

tC17: from Latin prūrīre to itch, to lust after

Synonyms for Pruriency

admiration, amativeness, ambition, appetite, ardor, aspiration, attraction, avidity, concupiscence, covetousness, craving, craze, cupidity, devotion, eagerness, eroticism, erotism, fancy, fascination, fervor, fondness, frenzy, greed, hankering, hunger, inclination, infatuation, itch, lasciviousness, lechery, libido, liking, love, lust, lustfulness, mania, motive, need, passion, predilection, proclivity, propensity, prurience, rapaciousness, rapture, ravenousness, relish, salacity, solicitude, thirst, urge, voracity, will, wish, yearning, doting, libidinousness