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Showing words for PSYCHASTHENIA using the English dictionary
13 Letter Words for Psychasthenia
10 Letter Words for Psychasthenia
anapestics, captainess, cathepsins, patchiness, shanachies, synapheias, tachypneas, thaneships
9 Letter Words for Psychasthenia
anapestic, anaptychi, antapices, antiphase, antispace, aphanites, asthenias, asthenics, asynaptic, capitayns, cathepsin, chapaties, estancias, hanseatic, hepaticas, hesitancy, hesychast, hyacinths, hypanthia, ichthyses, insheaths, pachynsis, panaceist, panchayet, pastances, pastiches, pheasants, pistaches, shanachie, shechitas, sisyphean, spinaches, stephanic, synapheas, synapheia, synaptase, synechias, synechist, tachypnea, thaneship, thespians
8 Letter Words for Psychasthenia
achiness, aeipathy, anapests, anaphyte, anchises, anthesis, antipass, apachite, apathies, aphanite, aphasics, apsychia, aseptics, asthenia, asthenic, capetian, capiases, capitans, capitayn, capstans, captains, chaityas, chanteys, chapatis, chastens, chastise, cheapish, chintses, chipsets, cineasts, cityness, cyanates, cyanites, cysteins, cystines, ecphasis, ectasias, entasias, epinasty, epistasy, escapist, essancia, estancia, hainches, haptenic, hashiest, hathpace, hepatica, hepatics, hyacines, hyacinth, hyphenic, inapathy, inchases, inphases, inscapes, insheath, inspects, naphthas, nephthys, painches, panaches, pansyish, pantheic, paschite, pastance, pastiche, pastinas, patiency, peasants, peasanty, penthias, pheasant, phthises, phytanes, pincases, pistache, pithecan, pschents, psychist, pycnites, sahaptin, sancties, sancyite, sanshach, saphenas, sapiency, sapients, scanties, scaphite, scyphate, scythian, shaitans, shanteys, shanties, shantihs, shapiest, shechita, shehitas, sheitans, sinapate, sistency, snatches, snitches, snyaptic, spaciest, spinachy, stanches, stayship, steapsin, sthenias, styphnic, synaphea, synaptai, synaptes, synaptic, synechia, taisches, thespian, yachties, yeatsian
7 Letter Words for Psychasthenia
acanths, aceship, acetins, achates, achenia, achiest, acyesis, acystia, ahypnia, aitches, anapest, anisate, antship, apaches, apathic, apeshit, aphasic, aphesis, aphetic, aphthae, aphthic, aptness, ascents, ascians, ascitan, ascites, aseitas, aseptic, ashanti, ashcans, ashiest, aspects, aspines, astheny, atechny, canapes, caniest, cantish, caphite, capitan, capsian, capstan, captain, captans, caseins, casinet, casitas, caspian, cassate, cassena, cassina, cassine, cassite, castane, catenas, cathine, catnaps, catneps, catnips, cessant, cesspit, chaines, chaises, chaitya, chantey, chantie, chapati, chapess, chasten, chetahs, chipses, chipset, cineast, cyanate, cyanite, cyathea, cyathia, cynthia, cystein, cystine, cytases, ecstasy, ectasia, ectasis, encysts, entasia, entasis, ethnics, ethnish, hanches, haptens, haptics, hastens, hastish, hatches, hatpins, hepatic, hepcats, hessian, hipness, hitches, hyacine, hypates, hyphens, hypnics, ichthys, incepts, incests, inchase, inchest, inphase, inscape, insecta, insects, inspect, insteps, naphtha, nasties, natches, paciest, paesani, paesans, paisans, panache, panctia, paneity, panisca, paniscs, pansies, panthea, panties, passant, pasties, pastina, patache, patches, patency, pathics, patinas, patines, patness, patsies, peasant, pechans, pectins, peincts, peisant, penthia, pesants, petsais, phantic, phycite, physics, phytane, phytase, phytins, pianeta, picante, pinaces, pinatas, pincase, pinches, pisacha, pissant, pitayas, pitches, pschent, psyches, ptisans, pycnite, pythian, pythias, sachets, sachsen, saithes, sancais, sanctae, sanyasi, saphena, sapiens, sapient, satanic, satinay, sayanci, scaiths, scathes, scenist, schanse, sciaena, scyphae, scythes, secants, seitans, septics, sestina, shaitan, shantey, shantih, shantis, shaptin, shastan, sheaths, sheathy, shehita, sheitan, shishya, shtchis, sithens, snatchy, snathes, sneaths, snitchy, spanish, spastic, spathae, spathes, spathic, sphenic, spicant, spicate, spinach, spinate, spinets, stachys, stances, stashie, staynes, stenchy, sthenia, sthenic, synaphe, synapse, synapte, synetic, tachina, tahinas, taipans, taishes, tansies, tapases, tapises, tchapan, thanahs, thaness, thapsia, thissen, tinseys, tisanes, yachtie, yanchas, yapness
6 Letter Words for Psychasthenia
acanth, acates, acetin, achape, achate, acheat, acheta, actias, actine, actins, aenach, anapes, aneath, anepia, anesis, anetic, anises, ansate, antiae, antica, antics, apache, apaise, apathy, apheta, aphtha, apinch, apneas, apneic, ascape, ascent, ascian, ascite, aseity, ashcan, ashets, ashine, ashpan, ashpit, asians, aspace, aspect, aspens, aspics, aspine, aspish, assahy, assate, assent, asseth, assith, assyth, athena, athens, atypic, ayenst, cahita, caisse, canape, canehs, canthi, capias, capita, capite, captan, casate, casein, cashes, casina, casita, cassan, casshe, cassia, cassie, casten, castes, catena, cathay, cathin, catnap, catnep, catnip, centai, centas, cestas, chaeta, chahta, chaine, chains, chaise, chanst, chants, chapah, chapes, chapin, chases, chassa, chasse, chaste, chasty, chayas, cheaps, cheapy, cheats, chests, chesty, chetah, cheths, chinas, chines, chinse, chints, chithe, cipaye, cistae, citess, cyanea, cyathi, cyesis, cynips, cystin, cystis, cytase, enacts, enatic, encash, encist, encyst, eniacs, entach, epacts, ephahs, espana, ethics, ethnic, etypic, hachis, hainch, haints, haiths, hanaps, hances, hansas, hanses, hapten, haptic, hashes, hasten, hastes, hatpin, haycap, heasts, heaths, heathy, hechts, heists, hepcat, hestia, hincty, hishes, hitchy, hithes, hyenas, hyenia, hyenic, hypate, hyphae, hyphen, hypnic, hythes, incast, incept, incest, inches, insect, insets, instep, istana, itches, nachas, naches, nastic, natica, nepits, netcha, nicest, nicety, niches, nichts, nyases, pacane, pacate, pachas, paeans, paesan, paiche, painch, paints, painty, paisan, paisas, panace, pances, panhas, panics, panisc, pansit, pantas, pantie, pascha, pashas, pashes, passay, passen, pastas, pastes, pastie, pastis, patchy, patens, patesi, pathan, pathic, patina, patine, patins, patise, payena, payess, peachy, pecans, pechan, pechay, pechys, pectin, peinct, pesach, pesant, pestis, petsai, phaeic, phanic, phases, phasic, phasis, phatic, phenic, physes, physic, physis, phytic, phytin, piache, pianet, pichey, pietas, pinata, pinche, pineta, pintas, pisaca, pisces, pishes, pistes, pitaya, pitchy, pithes, psyche, psychs, ptisan, pycnia, pythia, saance, sacate, sachet, saices, sainte, saints, saipan, saithe, saiths, sancai, sanest, sanies, sanity, sansei, sapans, saphie, sasani, sashay, sasine, satays, satine, satins, satiny, sayest, scaith, scants, scanty, scapas, scapes, scapha, scaphe, scathe, scaths, scathy, scenas, scents, scheat, schist, sciath, scient, scypha, scyphi, scythe, secant, seitan, sepian, sepias, sepsin, septan, septic, sestia, shahin, shansa, shanti, shanty, shapen, shapes, shasta, shatan, shayas, shchis, sheath, shiest, shines, shinty, shnaps, shtchi, shyest, shyish, sients, siesta, sieths, siphac, sisten, sithen, sithes, snaith, snaste, snasty, snatch, snathe, snaths, sneaps, sneath, snipes, snitch, snithe, snithy, spaces, spacey, spahis, spains, spaits, spanes, spates, spatha, spathe, speans, speats, spency, spetch, spicae, spicas, spices, spicey, spinae, spinas, spines, spinet, spites, stains, stance, stanch, stanes, stapes, staphs, stayne, steans, steins, stench, stenia, stichs, stipas, stipes, sycite, synths, sythes, tacans, taches, tahina, taipan, taisch, tanach, tanica, tansey, tashes, tashie, tassah, tassie, teachy, teaish, tenacy, tenias, tensas, tessin, thanah, thanas, thanes, thapes, thecia, theics, theins, thesis, thyine, thysen, tiches, tineas, tinsey, tisane, typhia, typhic, typica, yachan, yachts, yancha, yeasts, yentas, yetapa, yshent
5 Letter Words for Psychasthenia
acast, acate, aceta, aches, acies, acnes, actin, aecia, aheap, ahent, ahint, ahsan, ainas, aitch, anise, ansae, antae, antas, antes, antic, antis, antsy, apace, apass, apast, apays, aphis, apian, apish, apnea, apses, apsis, ascan, ashen, ashes, ashet, asian, aspca, aspen, aspic, aspis, assai, assay, asset, astay, async, ataps, ayahs, ayens, ayins, cains, canap, caneh, canes, canis, canst, cants, canty, capas, capes, caphs, capsa, casas, cases, casha, casse, cassy, caste, casts, catan, cates, cathy, ceint, centi, cents, cesta, cesti, cetin, chain, chais, chait, chant, chape, chaps, chase, chass, chati, chats, chaya, chays, cheap, cheat, chena, chess, chest, cheth, chian, chias, chien, china, chine, chins, chint, chips, chits, cines, cista, cists, cites, csnet, cyans, cyath, cysts, cytes, easts, enact, enapt, encia, enhat, eniac, enpia, ensis, entia, entsi, entsy, epact, ephah, ephas, epics, epist, eshin, essay, ethic, etnas, eyass, hache, hacht, hahas, haine, hains, haint, haith, hanap, hance, hanch, hansa, hanse, hants, hasan, hasht, hashy, hasnt, hasps, hasta, haste, hasty, hatch, hates, hathi, hayes, hayne, hayti, heaps, heapy, heast, heath, heats, hechs, hecht, heist, hents, hesps, hests, heths, hiant, hiate, hicht, hinch, hiney, hints, hissy, hists, hitch, hithe, hiyas, hsian, hsien, hyena, hyens, hypes, hypha, hythe, iches, ichth, inact, inapt, incas, inept, insea, insep, inset, isaac, ishes, itchy, nache, naias, naish, napas, napea, napes, nasat, nasch, nasty, natch, nates, nathe, neaps, neath, neats, necia, neist, nepit, nests, nesty, niata, niche, nicht, niepa, nipas, nisse, nitch, nyssa, pacas, pacay, paces, pacey, pacha, pacta, pacts, paean, paine, pains, paint, paisa, paise, pance, panes, panic, panse, pansy, pants, pasan, pasch, pases, pasha, pasis, passa, passe, pasta, paste, pasts, pasty, patas, patch, paten, pates, paths, pathy, patia, patin, patsy, payen, peach, peans, peasy, peats, peaty, pecan, pechs, pecht, penis, pensy, penta, pents, pesah, pests, pesty, petas, phaet, phane, phase, phies, phish, physa, pians, picas, picea, piest, pieta, piets, piety, pinas, pinch, pines, piney, pinta, pinte, pints, pisay, piste, pitas, pitch, piths, pithy, psych, ptyas, pyats, pyche, pyets, pyins, pynes, saice, saics, saine, sains, saint, saist, saith, sanai, sanct, sanes, sanit, sansa, sansi, santa, sants, santy, sapan, sapin, sapit, sasan, sasin, satai, satan, satay, sates, satin, satis, sayne, sayst, scans, scant, scapa, scape, scapi, scase, scath, scats, sceat, scena, scent, scian, scyes, seans, seats, sects, seity, senas, senit, sensa, senti, sents, sepia, sepic, septa, septs, sesti, shahi, shahs, shans, shant, shape, shaps, shapy, shash, shaya, shays, shchi, sheas, sheat, shent, sheth, shets, shiah, shice, shies, shina, shine, shins, shiny, ships, shipt, shish, shisn, shist, shita, shits, sices, sicht, siena, siens, sient, siest, sieth, since, sines, sinhs, sipes, sitch, sites, sithe, snape, snaps, snapy, snash, snast, snath, sneap, snies, snipe, snips, snipy, snite, snits, snyes, space, spaes, spahi, spain, spait, spane, spans, spate, spath, spats, spays, spean, speat, specs, spect, spent, spets, spica, spice, spics, spicy, spies, spina, spine, spins, spiny, spise, spite, spits, staia, stain, stane, staph, staps, stash, stays, stchi, stean, stech, stein, stens, steps, stich, sties, stine, stipa, stipe, styan, styca, syces, syens, syncs, synes, synth, sypes, syphs, sysin, sythe, tacan, taces, tache, tachi, tachs, tahas, tahin, taich, tains, taise, taish, tanas, tanha, tanhs, tania, tansy, tapas, tapen, tapes, tapia, tapis, tasse, tchai, teach, teasy, techs, techy, tenai, tench, tenia, tepas, thana, thane, thans, theah, theca, theia, theic, thein, thens, thine, thins, thisn, tices, tichy, tiens, tinca, tinea, tines, tinsy, tipsy, tsine, tyche, tynes, types, typha, typic, yacht, yahan, yates, yeahs, yeans, yeast, yeats, yechs, yenta, yests, yetis, yince, yinst, yipes, yites
4 Letter Words for Psychasthenia
aahs, aces, ache, achy, acne, acpt, acta, acth, acts, ahas, ahey, ahhs, aias, aina, aine, ains, aint, aith, aits, anas, anat, anay, ance, anes, anet, anis, ansa, ansi, anta, ante, anti, ants, apay, apes, apia, apis, apse, apts, asap, asci, asea, ashy, asia, asin, asps, aspy, asse, assi, assn, asst, asta, atap, ates, atip, atis, ayah, ayen, ayes, ayin, ayne, cain, cane, cans, cant, cany, capa, cape, caph, capi, caps, capt, casa, case, cash, cass, cast, cate, cath, cats, cays, ceas, cens, cent, cepa, ceps, cess, cest, ceti, chaa, chai, chan, chap, chas, chat, chay, chen, chia, chih, chin, chip, chis, chit, cine, cist, cite, cits, city, cyan, cyst, cyte, each, eans, east, easy, eath, eats, echt, ency, epha, epic, epit, esca, espy, ests, etas, etch, eths, etic, etna, eyah, eyas, haec, haen, haes, haha, hain, hait, hani, hans, hant, haps, hash, hasn, hasp, hast, hate, hath, hats, haya, haye, hays, heap, heat, hech, hehs, hens, hent, heps, hept, hesp, hest, heth, hets, heys, hics, hies, hine, hins, hint, hipe, hips, hipt, hish, hisn, hiss, hist, hits, hiya, hyen, hyes, hyne, hype, hyps, hypt, hyte, iaea, ices, ichs, inca, inch, insp, inst, inta, ipse, isnt, isth, itas, itch, itsy, nace, nach, nais, napa, nape, naps, nasa, nash, nasi, nast, nats, nays, neap, neat, nepa, neps, nesh, ness, nest, neth, neti, nets, nice, nies, nipa, nips, nist, nits, nsec, nyas, nyes, nyet, nypa, paas, paca, pace, pacs, pact, pacy, paha, pahi, pahs, pain, pais, pana, pane, pans, pant, pase, pash, pasi, pass, past, pata, pate, path, pats, paty, paye, pays, payt, peai, pean, peas, peat, pech, pecs, pehs, peni, pens, pent, pesa, pess, pest, peta, pets, phat, phis, phit, phys, pian, pias, pica, pice, pich, pics, pict, pien, pies, piet, pina, pine, pins, pint, pisa, pise, pish, piss, pist, pita, pith, pits, pity, pnce, psec, psha, psia, psis, psst, psts, ptah, pyas, pyat, pyes, pyet, pyic, pyin, pyne, sacs, sahh, saic, sain, saip, sais, sana, sane, sans, sant, sapa, saps, sasa, sash, sata, sate, sati, saya, says, scan, scap, scat, scet, scsi, scye, scyt, seah, sean, seas, seat, sech, secs, sect, secy, seis, seit, sena, sens, sent, sepn, seps, sept, seta, seth, sets, seys, shah, shan, shap, shay, shea, shes, shet, shia, shih, shin, ship, shit, shpt, sian, sice, sich, sics, sien, sina, sine, sinh, sins, sipe, sips, sise, sish, sist, sita, site, sith, sits, snap, snip, snit, snye, spae, span, spas, spat, spay, spec, spet, spic, spie, spin, spit, stap, stay, sten, step, stey, stie, syce, syen, syes, sync, syne, sype, syph, syst, tace, tach, taen, taha, tain, tais, tana, tane, tanh, tans, tapa, tape, taps, tash, tass, tays, tche, tean, teap, teas, teca, tech, tens, tepa, thae, thai, than, thea, then, they, thin, this, tice, tich, tics, tien, ties, tinc, tine, tins, tiny, tipe, tips, tshi, tsia, tyes, tyin, tyne, type, yahi, yahs, yana, yapa, yaps, yate, yati, ycie, yeah, yean, yeas, yeat, yech, yeni, yens, yeps, yest, yeta, yeth, yeti, yins, yipe, yips, yite
3 Letter Words for Psychasthenia
aah, aas, ace, ach, act, acy, aes, aha, ahh, ahi, ahs, aia, ain, ais, ait, ana, anc, ane, ans, ant, any, apa, apc, ape, aph, apt, ase, ash, asp, ass, ast, ate, atp, aye, ays, cai, can, cap, cat, cay, cen, cep, cha, che, chi, chn, chs, cia, cie, cis, cit, cns, cpa, cpi, cps, cpt, csi, csp, cst, cte, ctn, cts, cyp, ean, eas, eat, ech, ect, ehs, enc, ens, epa, epi, esc, esp, ess, est, eta, etc, eth, ety, eyn, hae, han, hap, has, hat, hay, heh, hei, hen, hep, hes, het, hey, hia, hic, hie, hin, hip, his, hit, hny, hts, hye, hyp, iaa, ice, ich, icy, ihp, ihs, inc, ins, int, iph, ips, ise, ish, isn, ist, ita, its, naa, nae, nah, nap, nas, nat, nay, nea, nei, nep, net, nie, nip, nis, nit, nth, nye, nys, pac, pah, pan, pas, pat, pay, pci, pct, pea, pec, peh, pen, pes, pet, phi, pht, pia, pic, pie, pin, pis, pit, psi, pst, pta, pte, pts, pty, pya, pye, saa, sac, sah, sai, san, sap, sat, say, sch, sci, sct, sea, sec, sei, sen, sep, set, sey, sha, she, shh, shi, shp, sht, shy, sic, sie, sin, sip, sis, sit, sny, spa, sps, spt, spy, sse, ssh, ssp, sta, sty, sye, syn, taa, tai, tan, tap, tas, tay, tch, tcp, tea, tec, ten, tes, tha, the, thy, tic, tie, tin, tip, tis, tph, tpi, tps, tsh, tsi, tsp, tss, tye, typ, yah, yan, yap, yas, yat, yea, yeh, yen, yep, yes, yet, yin, yip, yis
Definitions for Psychasthenia
[1] Psychiatry . (no longer in technical use) a neurosis marked by fear, anxiety, phobias, etc.
Words related to Psychasthenia
disruption, disintegration, mishap, failure, neurosis, neurasthenia, crackup
Words nearby Psychasthenia
psych up, psych-, psych-out, psych., psychalgia, psychasthenia, psychataxia, psyche, psyche knot, psychedelia, psychedelic
Origin of Psychasthenia
From New Latin, dating back to 1905–10; see origin at psych-, asthenia
Other words from Psychasthenia
psy·chas·then·ic [sahy-kuh s-then -ik] /ˌsaɪ kəsˈθɛn ɪk/ , adjective
Synonyms for Psychasthenia
disintegration, disruption, failure, mishap, neurasthenia, neurosis, basket case, crackup, nervous prostration