12 Letter Words for Psychotropic
11 Letter Words for Psychotropic
9 Letter Words for Psychotropic
poophytic, psoroptic, psychotic, troopship
8 Letter Words for Psychotropic
coscript, cypriots, hypocist, isotropy, oocystic, oophytic, oryctics, photopic, photopsy, pochoirs, porosity, prootics, prosopic, scotopic, scrootch, strophic
7 Letter Words for Psychotropic
chicory, choriso, chorist, choryos, cohorts, copshop, copyist, crotchy, cryptic, cryptos, crystic, cypriot, history, hoppity, hyporit, isochor, isotopy, octrois, opposit, ostrich, photics, pochoir, poorish, porotic, porthos, portico, positor, posthoc, potshop, procity, prootic, psychic, pyrotic, rhyptic, ripstop, scootch, scorpio, scripto, scritch, scrooch, scyphoi, scypphi, sirocco, strippy, stroppy, toyshop, trichys, trophic, tropics
6 Letter Words for Psychotropic
chicos, chicot, chippy, chiros, chirps, chirpy, chirts, chocos, choicy, choirs, choosy, choppy, choric, chorio, christ, cohort, cohost, coopts, cootch, copist, coptic, coptis, corpsy, coryph, coyish, crispy, cristy, critch, criths, crooch, croppy, crotch, crypto, crypts, cypris, cystic, hippos, hostry, ichors, irtysh, isopor, octoic, octroi, octroy, oocyst, ophrys, optics, orchic, orchis, orphic, orthic, orthos, osophy, photic, photos, phycic, physic, physio, phytic, picory, picots, piroot, pitchy, pithos, pooris, poorts, popish, portio, postic, postop, pothos, pritch, prophy, propio, propos, prosit, psoric, psycho, rhotic, richts, roopit, roosty, rootsy, ropish, sciroc, scooch, scopic, scorch, scotch, scotic, script, scroop, scyphi, shippo, shippy, shirty, shoppy, shorty, shypoo, sophic, sothic, sporty, sproty, stoory, strich, stripy, strych, syrtic, thoric, thorps, thrips, thyrsi, topics, torchy, torics, toyish, trichy, triops, tripos, trippy, trochi, troops, trophi, trophy, tropic, troppo, typhic, yirths
5 Letter Words for Psychotropic
chico, chics, chios, chips, chiro, chirp, chirt, chits, choco, chocs, choir, choop, chops, chort, cipro, circs, cisco, cocos, cohos, coirs, coits, cooch, coops, coopt, coost, cooth, coots, cooty, copis, copps, coppy, copsy, corps, corso, corsy, cotch, coths, cothy, coyos, crips, crisp, crith, crits, crocs, crois, crops, crost, crypt, cryst, hippo, hippy, hirst, hocco, hoist, hoops, hoots, hooty, hopis, hoppo, hoppy, horst, hypos, hyrst, ichor, isort, itchy, ochro, ochry, octic, ophic, ophir, oppos, optic, orpit, ortho, photo, phots, piccy, picot, picry, pioys, pirot, pisco, pitch, piths, pithy, pooch, poohs, poops, poori, poort, poots, pooty, popsy, porch, poros, porto, ports, porty, posho, posit, potch, potos, potsy, prich, proos, props, proso, prost, prosy, proto, psych, psyop, pyots, pyric, pyros, richt, riots, ripps, roist, roops, roopy, roost, rooti, roots, rooty, roshi, rosit, rosti, rotch, rotis, rotos, royst, ryots, scoop, scoot, scrip, scrit, scroo, shipt, shirt, shooi, shoop, shoor, shoot, short, shrip, sicht, sippy, siroc, sirop, sitch, socht, sooth, sooty, sophi, sophy, sopor, soppy, sorty, sotho, spicy, spiro, spiry, spoor, spoot, sport, sprit, sprot, stchi, stich, stipo, stirp, stoic, stoop, story, strip, strop, stroy, thoro, thorp, thrip, tichy, tippy, tipsy, tocos, tohos, toosh, tophi, tophs, topic, topoi, topos, toppy, topsy, torch, torcs, toric, toros, torso, toshy, toyos, trios, trips, tripy, troch, troco, troic, trois, troop, troys, tryps, typic, typos, typps, tyros, yirth, yocco, yoops
4 Letter Words for Psychotropic
chic, chip, chis, chit, choc, chop, choy, chry, cipo, circ, cisc, cist, cito, cits, city, coch, coco, coct, coho, coir, coit, coop, coos, coot, copr, cops, copt, copy, corp, cors, cort, cory, cosh, cost, coth, coto, cots, coyo, coys, cric, crip, cris, crit, croc, croh, crop, croy, crts, csch, cyst, hics, hips, hipt, hiro, hist, hits, hoit, hoop, hoos, hoot, hopi, hops, hors, hort, hory, hosp, host, hoti, hots, hoys, hypo, hyps, hypt, icho, ichs, iocs, ipso, isth, itch, itsy, ochs, ocht, ohio, ohos, ohoy, oohs, oops, oory, oosy, oots, oppo, opsy, opts, orch, orcs, orth, orts, otic, otis, phis, phit, phoo, phos, phot, phys, pich, pico, pics, pict, pioy, pips, pipy, pirs, pish, piso, pist, pith, pits, pity, poco, pohs, pois, pooh, poop, poor, poos, poot, pops, porc, port, pory, posh, post, posy, poti, pots, prio, proc, proo, prop, pros, prys, pyic, pyot, pyro, rcpt, rhos, rich, ricy, riot, ripp, rips, ript, risc, risp, rist, rits, roch, rocs, roit, roop, roos, root, ropp, ropy, rost, rosy, rotc, roti, roto, rots, royt, ryot, scho, scop, scot, scry, scyt, ship, shir, shit, shoo, shop, shor, shot, shpt, shri, sicc, sich, sith, soco, soho, soir, soop, soot, soph, sori, sort, sory, soth, spic, spit, spor, spot, spry, stir, stop, stor, syph, syrt, tchr, thio, thir, this, thoo, thor, thos, thro, tich, tics, tips, toch, toco, tocs, toho, toop, toph, topi, topo, tops, torc, tori, toro, tors, tosh, tosy, toyo, toys, trio, trip, trop, troy, tryp, tshi, typo, typp, tyro, yips, yoho, yoop
3 Letter Words for Psychotropic
chi, cho, chs, cir, cis, cit, coo, cop, cor, cos, cot, coy, cpi, cpo, cpr, cps, cpt, crc, cro, crs, crt, cry, csc, csi, csp, cst, cto, ctr, cts, cyc, cyp, hic, hip, hir, his, hit, hoc, hoi, hoo, hop, hor, hos, hot, hoy, hrs, hts, hyp, ich, icy, ihp, ihs, ios, iph, ipo, ipr, ips, irs, ish, iso, ist, its, iyo, och, oct, oho, ohs, ois, ooh, oop, oor, oos, oot, opp, ops, opt, orc, ors, ort, ory, osi, otc, oto, oys, pci, pcp, pct, phi, pho, phr, pht, pic, pip, pir, pis, pit, poh, poi, poo, pop, por, pos, pot, poy, pph, ppi, ppr, pps, ppt, prc, pro, prp, prs, pry, psi, pst, ptp, pts, pty, pyr, rct, rho, rhy, rio, rip, rit, roc, roi, roo, ros, rot, rps, rpt, rti, sch, sci, scr, sct, shi, sho, shp, shr, sht, shy, sic, sip, sir, sit, soc, sop, sot, soy, spp, spt, spy, sri, str, sty, syr, tch, tcp, tho, thy, tic, tip, tis, toc, toi, too, top, tor, tos, toy, tph, tpi, tps, tri, trp, trs, try, tsh, tsi, tsp, typ, tyr, yip, yis, yoi, yor, yos, yot, yrs
Definitions for Psychotropic
[1] affecting mental activity, behavior, or perception, as a mood-altering drug.
[2] a psychotropic drug, as a tranquilizer, sedative, or antidepressant.
[3] another word for psychoactive
Words related to Psychotropic
hallucinatory, kaleidoscopic, multicolored, crazy, experimental, mind-blowing, trip, freaky, consciousness-expanding, hallucinogenic, mind-bending, mind-expanding, psychoactive, psychotomimetic
Words nearby Psychotropic
psychotogen, psychotogenic, psychotomimetic, psychotoxic, psychotronic, psychotropic, psychro-, psychroalgia, psychrometer, psychrometric chart, psychrometry
Origin of Psychotropic
First recorded in 1945–50; psycho- + -tropic
Synonyms for Psychotropic
hallucinatory, kaleidoscopic, multicolored, consciousness-expanding, crazy, experimental, freaky, hallucinogenic, mind-bending, mind-blowing, mind-changing, mind-expanding, psychoactive, psychotomimetic, trip