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Showing words for PUCKER using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Pucker
5 Letter Words for Pucker
4 Letter Words for Pucker
3 Letter Words for Pucker
Definitions for Pucker
[1] to draw or gather into wrinkles or irregular folds, as material or a part of the face; constrict: Worry puckered his brow.
[2] a wrinkle; an irregular fold.
[3] a puckered part, as of cloth tightly or crookedly sewn.
[4] Archaic . a state of agitation or perturbation.
[5] to gather or contract (a soft surface such as the skin of the face) into wrinkles or folds, or (of such a surface) to be so gathered or contracted
[6] a wrinkle, crease, or irregular fold
Words related to Pucker
crinkle, ruck, crease, fold, plait, crumple, furrow, ruckle, tighten, squeeze, ruffle, purse, gather, compress, condense, contract, cockle, knit
Words nearby Pucker
puck, puck control, puck hog, puck-carrier, pucka, pucker, puckerood, puckery, puckish, puckout, pud
Origin of Pucker
1590–1600; apparently a frequentative form connected with poke2; see -er6 and for the meaning cf. purse
Other words from Pucker
puck·er·er , noun
un·puck·ered , adjective
Word origin for Pucker
C16: perhaps related to poke ², from the creasing into baglike wrinkles