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Showing words for PUNY using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Puny
3 Letter Words for Puny
Definitions for Puny
[1] of less than normal size and strength; weak.
[2] unimportant; insignificant; petty or minor: a puny excuse.
[3] Obsolete . puisne.
[4] having a small physique or weakly constitution
[5] paltry; insignificant
Words related to Puny
paltry, measly, inconsequential, tiny, frail, trivial, feeble, diminutive, fragile, inferior, infirm, little, minor, niggling, nothing, peanut, petty, picayune, piddling, runt
Words nearby Puny
puntilla, puntillero, punto fijo, punty, punxsutawney, puny, puo, pup, pup tent, pupa, puparium
Origin of Puny
First recorded in 1540–50; spelling variant of puisne
Other words from Puny
pu·ni·ly , adverb
pu·ni·ness , noun
Word origin for Puny
C16: from Old French puisne puisne
Synonyms for Puny
feeble, frail, inconsequential, measly, paltry, tiny, trivial, diminutive, fragile, half-pint, inferior, infirm, little, minor, niggling, nothing, peanut, peewee, petty, picayune, piddling, pint-sized, runt, shrimp, small time, small-fry, stunted, trifling, two-bit, unconsequential, underfed, undersized, undeveloped, unsound, unsubstantial, weak, weakly, wee, worthless, zero, zilch