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Showing words for PUPIL using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Pupil
4 Letter Words for Pupil
3 Letter Words for Pupil
Definitions for Pupil
[1] a person, usually young, who is learning under the close supervision of a teacher at school, a private tutor, or the like; student.
[2] Civil Law . an orphaned or emancipated minor under the care of a guardian.
[3] Roman Law . a person under the age of puberty orphaned or emancipated, and under the care of a guardian.
[4] the expanding and contracting opening in the iris of the eye, through which light passes to the retina.
[5] a student who is taught by a teacher, esp a young student
[6] civil law Scots law a boy under 14 or a girl under 12 who is in the care of a guardian
[7] the dark circular aperture at the centre of the iris of the eye, through which light enters
Words related to Pupil
undergraduate, senior, learner, student, satellite, adherent, tenderfoot, scholar, beginner, novice, neophyte, junior, brain, follower, bookworm, attendant, disciple, sophomore, catechumen
Words nearby Pupil
pup tent, pupa, puparium, pupate, pupfish, pupil, pupilage, pupillage, pupillarity, pupillary, pupillary distance
Origin of Pupil
21350–1400; Middle English < Latin pūpilla literally, little doll; for sense compare Greek kórē girl, doll, pupil of the eye, alluding to the tiny reflections visible in the pupils. See pupa
Other words from Pupil
pu·pil·less , adjective
pu·pil·less , adjective
pu′ pi•lar adj.
Word origin for Pupil
C16: from Latin pūpilla, diminutive of pūpa girl, puppet; from the tiny reflections in the eye
Synonyms for Pupil
graduate student, learner, senior, student, undergraduate, adherent, attendant, beginner, bookworm, brain, catechumen, disciple, follower, junior, neophyte, novice, satellite, scholar, sophomore, tenderfoot, first-year student, schoolboy/girl