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Showing words for PURGE using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Purge


4 Letter Words for Purge

grue, peru, puer, pure, urge

3 Letter Words for Purge

erg, ger, gue, gup, gur, peg, per, pre, pug, pur, reg, rep, rue, rug, ure, urp

Definitions for Purge

[1] to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify.
[2] to rid, clear, or free (usually followed by of or from ): to purge a political party of disloyal members.
[3] to clear of imputed guilt or ritual uncleanliness.
[4] to clear away or wipe out legally (an offense, accusation, etc.) by atonement or other suitable action.
[5] to remove by cleansing or purifying (often followed by away, off, or out ).
[6] to clear or empty (the bowels) by causing evacuation.
[7] to cause evacuation of the bowels of (a person).
[8] to put to death or otherwise eliminate (undesirable or unwanted members) from a political organization, government, nation, etc.
[9] Metallurgy . to drive off (undesirable gases) from a furnace or stove. to free (a furnace or stove) of undesirable gases.
[10] to become cleansed or purified.
[11] to undergo or cause purging of the bowels.
[12] the act or process of purging.
[13] the removal or elimination of members of a political organization, government, nation, etc., who are considered disloyal or otherwise undesirable.
[14] something that purges, as a purgative medicine or dose.
[15] (tr) to rid (something) of (impure or undesirable elements)
[16] (tr) to rid (a state, political party, etc) of (dissident or troublesome people)
[17] (tr) to empty (the bowels) by evacuation of faeces to cause (a person) to evacuate his bowels
[18] to clear (a person) of a charge to free (oneself) of guilt, as by atonement to purge contempt
[19] (intr) to be cleansed or purified
[20] the act or process of purging
[21] the elimination of opponents or dissidents from a state, political party, etc
[22] a purgative drug or agent; cathartic

Words related to Purge

coup, liquidation, extermination, expulsion, suppression, evacuation, forgive, dismiss, expel, prevent, liquidate, expunge, absolve, remove, abolish, erase, exterminate, oust, cleanse, exonerate

Words nearby Purge

purgation, purgative, purgatoire, purgatorial, purgatory, purge, purging nut, puri, purification of the virgin mary, purificator, purified protein derivative of tuberculin

Origin of Purge

1250–1300; (v.) Middle English purgen < Old French purg(i)er < Latin pūrgāre to cleanse; (noun) Middle English < Old French, derivative of the v.

Other words from Purge

purge·a·ble , adjective
purg·er , noun
un·purge·a·ble , adjective
un·purged , adjective

Word origin for Purge

C14: from Old French purger, from Latin pūrgāre to purify

Synonyms for Purge

coup, evacuation, expulsion, extermination, liquidation, suppression, abolition, catharsis, clarification, cleaning, cleanup, crushing, disposal, disposition, ejection, eradication, excretion, expurgation, extirpation, murder, purification, abstersion, reign of terror, witch hunt