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Showing words for PURSUED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Pursued
6 Letter Words for Pursued
5 Letter Words for Pursued
4 Letter Words for Pursued
3 Letter Words for Pursued
Definitions for Pursued
[1] to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, etc.; chase.
[2] to follow close upon; go with; attend: Bad luck pursued him.
[3] to strive to gain; seek to attain or accomplish (an end, object, purpose, etc.).
[4] to proceed in accordance with (a method, plan, etc.).
[5] to carry on or continue (a course of action, a train of thought, an inquiry, studies, etc.).
[6] to continue to annoy, afflict, or trouble.
[7] to practice (an occupation, pastime, etc.).
[8] to continue to discuss (a subject, topic, etc.).
[9] to follow: They pursued the river to its source. I felt their eyes pursuing me.
[10] to continue; go on with (one's course, a journey, etc.).
[11] to chase after someone or something; to follow in pursuit: They spotted the suspect but decided not to pursue.
[12] to continue.
[13] (also intr) to follow (a fugitive, etc) in order to capture or overtake
[14] (esp of something bad or unlucky) to follow closely or accompany ill health pursued her
[15] to seek or strive to attain (some object, desire, etc)
[16] to follow the precepts of (a plan, policy, etc)
[17] to apply oneself to (one's studies, hobbies, etc)
[18] to follow persistently or seek to become acquainted with
[19] to continue to discuss or argue (a point, subject, etc)
Words related to Pursued
pursueseek, attempt, prosecute, practice, continue, maintain, conduct, tackle, proceed, sue, chase, address, bait, fish, haunt, tag, hound, badger, trace, tail
Words nearby Pursued
pursuepurser, purslane, purslane family, pursuance, pursuant, pursue, pursuer, pursuit, pursuit plane, pursuivant, pursy
Origin of Pursued
1250–1300; Middle English pursuen < Anglo-French pursuer ≪ Latin prōsequī to pursue, follow, continue. See pro-1, sue, prosecute
Words that may be confused with Pursued
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, pursueperuse, pursue
Other words from Pursued
pur·su·a·ble , adjective
out·pur·sue , verb (used with object), out·pur·sued, out·pur·su·ing.
re·pur·sue , verb (used with object), re·pur·sued, re·pur·su·ing.
un·pur·su·a·ble , adjective
un·pur·sued , adjective
un·pur·su·ing , adjective
Word origin for Pursued
C13: from Anglo-Norman pursiwer, from Old French poursivre, from Latin prōsequī to follow after
Synonyms for Pursued
go after, seek, accompany, attend, badger, bait, bug, chivy, dog, fish, harass, harry, haunt, hound, hunt, oppress, persevere, persist, plague, ride, shadow, stalk, tag, tail, trace, track, trail, bird-dog, camp on the doorstep of, give chase, hunt down, move behind, nose around, play catch up, poke around, prowl after, run after, run down, scout out, search for, search high heaven, search out, take out after, track down