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Showing words for PUSSY using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Pussy


4 Letter Words for Pussy

puss, puys, sups, upsy, yups

3 Letter Words for Pussy

pus, puy, sps, spy, ssp, ssu, sup, sus, ups, yup, yus

Definitions for Pussy

[1] Informal . a cat, especially a kitten.
[2] Slang : Disparaging and Offensive . a timid, passive person, especially a man.
[3] tipcat(def 2) .
[4] the vulva.
[5] sexual intercourse with a woman.
[6] Disparaging and Offensive . women collectively, regarded as sex objects.
[7] puslike.
[8] Also called: puss , pussycat (ˈpʊsɪˌkæt ) an informal name for a cat 1
[9] a furry catkin, esp that of the pussy willow
[10] a rare word for tipcat
[11] taboo , slang the female pudenda
[12] taboo , slang a woman considered as a sexual object
[13] taboo , slang , mainly US an ineffectual or timid person
[14] containing pus

Words related to Pussy

muff, box, snatch, puss, beaver, cunt, vulva, vagina, slit, cherry, pudenda

Words nearby Pussy

pusillanimous, puskas, puss, puss in the corner, puss moth, pussy, pussy willow, pussy-toes, pussy-whip, pussycat, pussyfoot

Origin of Pussy

3First recorded in 1840–50; pus + -y1

Word origin for Pussy

C18: from puss 1

Synonyms for Pussy

beaver, box, clit, cunt, muff, puss, snatch, twat, cherry, slit, vagina, vulva, pudenda