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Showing words for QUAHOG using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Quahog
4 Letter Words for Quahog
aquo, augh, guao, hoga, hugo, oahu, ough, quag
3 Letter Words for Quahog
ago, aho, ahu, aug, auh, gau, ghq, goa, gou, hag, hao, hau, hoa, hog, hug, qua, quo, ugh
Definitions for Quahog
[1] an edible clam, Venus (Mercenaria ) mercenaria, inhabiting waters along the Atlantic coast, having a relatively thick shell.
[2] an edible clam, Venus (or Mercenaria ) mercenaria, native to the Atlantic coast of North America, having a large heavy rounded shell Also called: hard-shell clam , hard-shell , round clam Compare soft-shell clam
Words related to Quahog
mollusk, littleneck, cherrystone
Words nearby Quahog
quaff, quag, quagga, quaggy, quagmire, quahog, quai d'orsay, quaich, quail, quail clock, quail dove
Origin of Quahog
1745–55, Americanism ; < Narragansett (E spelling) poquaûhock
Word origin for Quahog
C18: from Narraganset, short for poquauhock, from pohkeni dark + hogki shell