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Showing words for QUARTET using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Quartet
6 Letter Words for Quartet
5 Letter Words for Quartet
4 Letter Words for Quartet
3 Letter Words for Quartet
Definitions for Quartet
[1] any group of four persons or things.
[2] an organized group of four singers or players.
[3] a musical composition for four voices or instruments.
[4] a group of four singers or instrumentalists or a piece of music composed for such a group See string quartet
[5] any group of four a quartet of fast bowlers
Words related to Quartet
chorus, trio, cast, orchestra, band, troupe, assemblage, quintet, sextet, choir, tetralogy, tetrad, quaternity, quadrivium, quadruplet, quadruple, quaternion, quaternary, quadrumvirate, gathering
Words nearby Quartet
quartermaster general, quartern, quarters, quartersaw, quarterstaff, quartet, quartic, quartile, quarto, quartz, quartz clock
Origin of Quartet
1765–75; < Italian quartetto, diminutive of quarto < Latin quartus fourth
Word origin for Quartet
C18: from Italian quartetto, diminutive of quarto fourth
Synonyms for Quartet
quadrivium, quadrumvirate, quadruple, quadruplet, quadruplets, quartette, quaternary, quaternion, quaternity, tetrad, tetralogy, quadrigeminal, quadripartition