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Showing words for QUAVER using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Quaver
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3 Letter Words for Quaver
Definitions for Quaver
[1] to shake tremulously; quiver or tremble: He stood there quavering with fear.
[2] to sound, speak, or sing tremulously: Her voice quavered a moment and then she regained control.
[3] to perform trills in singing or on a musical instrument.
[4] to utter, say, or sing with a quavering or tremulous voice.
[5] a quavering or tremulous shake, especially in the voice.
[6] a quavering tone or utterance.
[7] Music (chiefly British ) . an eighth note.
[8] to say or sing (something) with a trembling voice
[9] (intr) (esp of the voice) to quiver, tremble, or shake
[10] (intr) rare to sing or play quavers or ornamental trills
[11] music a note having the time value of an eighth of a semibreve Usual US and Canadian name: eighth note
[12] a tremulous sound or note
Words related to Quaver
shudder, quiver, quake, wobble, vibrate, note, shiver, vacillate, waver, shake, falter, tremor, tremble, oscillate, trill
Words nearby Quaver
quatre, quatre bras, quatrefoil, quattrocento, quattuordecillion, quaver, quay, quayage, quayle, quayside, quazzy
Origin of Quaver
1400–50; late Middle English quaveren (v.), blend of quake and waver1
Other words from Quaver
qua·ver·er , noun
qua·ver·ing·ly , adverb
qua·ver·y , qua·ver·ous , adjective
un·qua·ver·ing , adjective
Word origin for Quaver
C15 (in the sense: to vibrate, quiver 1 ): from quaven to tremble, of Germanic origin; compare Low German quabbeln to tremble
Synonyms for Quaver
falter, note, oscillate, quake, quiver, shake, shiver, shudder, tremble, tremor, trill, vacillate, vibrate, waver, wobble