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Showing words for QUECHUA using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Quechua
6 Letter Words for Quechua
5 Letter Words for Quechua
caque, heuau
4 Letter Words for Quechua
ache, each, haec
3 Letter Words for Quechua
ace, ach, ahu, auh, cha, che, cue, eau, ech, ecu, hae, hau, hue, qua, que, uca
Definitions for Quechua
[1] the language of the Inca civilization, presently spoken by about 7 million people in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina.
[2] a member of an Indian people of Peru speaking Quechua.
[3] plural -uas or -ua a member of any of a group of South American Indian peoples of the Andes, including the Incas
[4] the language or family of languages spoken by these peoples, possibly distantly related to the Tupï-Guarani family