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Showing words for QUINTET using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Quintet


6 Letter Words for Quintet

queint, quinet, quinte, tenuit, tenuti

5 Letter Words for Quintet

ettin, intue, quent, quiet, quine, quint, quite, tutin, unite, untie

4 Letter Words for Quintet

etui, neti, neut, quei, quet, quin, quit, tent, tien, tine, tint, tite, tune, tute, unie, unit

3 Letter Words for Quintet

int, nei, net, nie, nit, nut, que, qui, ten, tet, tie, tin, tit, tiu, tnt, tue, tui, tun, tut, uit, uni, unq, ute, uti

Definitions for Quintet

[1] any set or group of five persons or things.
[2] an organized group of five singers or players.
[3] a musical composition scored for five voices or instruments.
[4] a group of five singers or instrumentalists or a piece of music composed for such a group
[5] any group of five

Words related to Quintet

chorus, trio, cast, orchestra, band, troupe, assemblage, sextet, choir, quartet, gathering, set, group, composite, sum, outfit, entirety, totality, aggregate, organization

Words nearby Quintet

quintefoil, quinternion, quintero, quintessence, quintessential, quintet, quintic, quintile, quintilian, quintillion, quintuple

Origin of Quintet

1805–15; < French quintette < Italian quintetto, diminutive of quinto fifth < Latin quīntus

Word origin for Quintet

C19: from Italian quintetto, from quinto fifth

Synonyms for Quintet

assemblage, band, cast, choir, chorus, orchestra, quartet, sextet, trio, troupe, aggregate, company, composite, entirety, gathering, group, octet, organization, outfit, set, sum, total, totality, whole, glee club