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Showing words for QUOIT using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Quoit
4 Letter Words for Quoit
3 Letter Words for Quoit
Definitions for Quoit
[1] quoits, (used with a singular verb ) a game in which rings of rope or flattened metal are thrown at an upright peg, the object being to encircle it or come as close to it as possible.
[2] a ring used in the game of quoits.
[3] to throw as or like a quoit.
[4] to play quoits.
[5] a ring of iron, plastic, rope, etc, used in the game of quoits
[6] Australian slang a variant spelling of coit
Words related to Quoit
plate, platter, disc, shell, dish, circle, sabot, discus, flan, saucer, discoid
Words nearby Quoit
quod erat faciendum, quod vide, quodlibet, quoin, quoin post, quoit, quoits, quokka, quoll, quondam, quonset hut
Origin of Quoit
1350–1400; Middle English coyte < ?
Other words from Quoit
quoit·er , noun
quoit·like , adjective
Word origin for Quoit
C15: of unknown origin
Synonyms for Quoit
disc, plate, platter, circle, discus, dish, flan, sabot, saucer, shell, discoid, discoidal