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Showing words for RABBET using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Rabbet
5 Letter Words for Rabbet
4 Letter Words for Rabbet
3 Letter Words for Rabbet
Definitions for Rabbet
[1] a deep notch formed in or near one edge of a board, framing timber, etc., so that something else can be fitted into it or so that a door or the like can be closed against it.
[2] a broad groove let into the surface of a board or the like; dado.
[3] to cut a rabbet in (a board or the like).
[4] to join (boards or the like) by means of a rabbet or rabbets.
[5] to join by a rabbet (usually followed by on or over ).
[6] a recess, groove, or step, usually of rectangular section, cut into a surface or along the edge of a piece of timber to receive a mating piece
[7] a joint made between two pieces of timber using a rabbet
[8] to cut or form a rabbet in (timber)
[9] to join (pieces of timber) using a rabbet
Words related to Rabbet
laceration, wound, trench, shave, slice, rip, slash, carve, curtail, divide, gash, cut, indent, incision, scratch, indenture, gap, nick, score, cleft
Words nearby Rabbet
rabato, rabaul, rabbah, rabban, rabbath ammon, rabbet, rabbet joint, rabbet plane, rabbeting, rabbi, rabbin
Origin of Rabbet
1350–1400; Middle English rabet < Old French rabat, derivative of rabattre to beat back, beat down; see rebate1
Words that may be confused with Rabbet
rabbet, rabbit, rarebit, rebate
Other words from Rabbet
un·rab·bet·ed , adjective
Word origin for Rabbet
C15: from Old French rabattre to beat down
Synonyms for Rabbet
cleft, cut, gap, gash, groove, incision, indent, indenture, mark, mill, nick, nock, rut, score, scratch