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Showing words for RABBI using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Rabbi
4 Letter Words for Rabbi
3 Letter Words for Rabbi
Definitions for Rabbi
[1] the chief religious official of a synagogue, trained usually in a theological seminary and duly ordained, who delivers the sermon at a religious service and performs ritualistic, pastoral, educational, and other functions in and related to his or her capacity as a spiritual leader of Judaism and the Jewish community. Compare cantor(def 2) .
[2] a title of respect for a Jewish scholar or teacher.
[3] a Jewish scholar qualified to rule on questions of Jewish law.
[4] any of the Jewish scholars of the 1st to 6th centuries a.d. who contributed to the writing, editing, or compiling of the Talmud.
[5] Slang . a personal patron or adviser, as in business.
[6] rabat1.
[7] (in Orthodox Judaism) a man qualified in accordance with traditional religious law to expound, teach, and rule in accordance with this law
[8] the religious leader of a congregation; the minister of a synagogue
[9] the Rabbis the early Jewish scholars whose teachings are recorded in the Talmud
Words related to Rabbi
priest, teacher, master, rabbin, talmudist
Words nearby Rabbi
rabbath ammon, rabbet, rabbet joint, rabbet plane, rabbeting, rabbi, rabbin, rabbinate, rabbinic, rabbinical, rabbinics
Origin of Rabbi
2by alteration
Words that may be confused with Rabbi
clergy, cleric, imam, minister, pastor, priest, rabbi
Word origin for Rabbi
Hebrew, from rabh master + -ī my