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Showing words for RACHITIC using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Rachitic

atrichic, rachitic

7 Letter Words for Rachitic


6 Letter Words for Rachitic

archit, arctic, chitra, cichar, citric, cratch, critch, critic, hircic, iatric, trichi

5 Letter Words for Rachitic

airth, aitch, archt, arith, artic, cachi, cacti, catch, chair, chait, chart, chati, chica, chirt, chria, circa, crith, haiti, icica, ictic, ratch, richt, tachi, taich, tchai, ticca, triac, trica

4 Letter Words for Rachitic

acct, acth, airt, aith, arch, caci, caic, cair, cart, cath, chai, char, chat, chia, chic, chit, cira, circ, cric, crit, hair, hait, hart, itai, itch, rach, rait, rath, rich, rita, tach, tahr, tari, tchr, thai, thar, thir, tiar, tich, trac, trah

3 Letter Words for Rachitic

acc, ach, act, ahi, air, ait, arc, art, cai, car, cat, cha, chi, cia, cir, cit, crc, crt, ctr, hat, hia, hic, hir, hit, ich, ihi, ira, ita, rah, rai, rat, rct, rha, ria, rit, rti, tai, tar, tch, tha, tic, tra, tri

Definitions for Rachitic

[1] rickets.
[2] pathol another name for rickets

Words related to Rachitic

rachitisdilapidated, shaky, decrepit, broken, flimsy, wobbly, ramshackle, derelict, feeble, fragile, frail, imperfect, infirm, insecure, jerry-built, precarious, rattletrap, rocky, unsteady, wavering

Words nearby Rachitic

rachitisrachiotomy, rachis, rachischisis, rachitic pelvis, rachitic rosary, rachitis, rachitogenic, rachmaninoff, rachmanism, racial, racial memory

Origin of Rachitic

s1720–30; < New Latin < Greek rhachîtis inflammation of the spine. See rachis, -itis

Other words from Rachitic

ra·chit·ic [ruh -kit -ik] /rəˈkɪt ɪk/ , adjective
post·ra·chit·ic , adjective
ra•chit′ ic (-kĭt′ ĭk ) adj.

Word origin for Rachitic

sC18: New Latin, from Greek rhakitis ; see rachis

Synonyms for Rachitic

broken, decrepit, derelict, dilapidated, flimsy, ramshackle, shaky, wobbly, feeble, fragile, frail, imperfect, infirm, insecure, jerry-built, precarious, rattletrap, rocky, tottering, tottery, tumble-down, unsteady, wavering, weak