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Showing words for RACK using the English dictionary

4 Letter Words for Rack

cark, rack

3 Letter Words for Rack

ack, arc, ark, car, kra

Definitions for Rack

[1] a framework of bars, wires, or pegs on which articles are arranged or deposited: a clothes rack; a luggage rack.
[2] a fixture containing several tiered shelves, often affixed to a wall: a book rack; a spice rack.
[3] a spreading framework set on a wagon for carrying hay, straw, or the like, in large loads.
[4] Pool . a wooden frame of triangular shape within which the balls are arranged before play. the balls so arranged: He took aim at the rack.
[5] Machinery . a bar, with teeth on one of its sides, adapted to engage with the teeth of a pinion (rack and pinion) or the like, as for converting circular into rectilinear motion or vice versa. a bar having a series of notches engaging with a pawl or the like.
[6] a former instrument of torture consisting of a framework on which a victim was tied, often spread-eagled, by the wrists and ankles, to be slowly stretched by spreading the parts of the framework.
[7] a cause or state of intense suffering of body or mind.
[8] torment; anguish.
[9] violent strain.
[10] a pair of antlers.
[11] Slang . a bed, cot, or bunk: I spent all afternoon in the rack.
[12] to torture; distress acutely; torment: His body was racked with pain.
[13] to strain in mental effort: to rack one's brains.
[14] to strain by physical force or violence.
[15] to strain beyond what is normal or usual.
[16] to stretch the body of (a person) in torture by means of a rack.
[17] Nautical . to seize (two ropes) together side by side.
[18] rack out , Slang . to go to bed; go to sleep: I racked out all afternoon.
[19] rack up , Pool . to put (the balls) in a rack. Informal . to tally, accumulate, or amass as an achievement or score: The corporation racked up the greatest profits in its history.
[20] ruin or destruction; wrack.
[21] rack up , Slang . to wreck, especially a vehicle.
[22] the fast pace of a horse in which the legs move in lateral pairs but not simultaneously.
[23] (of horses) to move in a rack.
[24] Also called cloud rack. a group of drifting clouds.
[25] to drive or move, especially before the wind.
[26] to draw off (wine, cider, etc.) from the lees.
[27] the neck portion of mutton, pork, or veal.
[28] the rib section of a foresaddle of lamb, mutton, or sometimes veal.
[29] a framework for holding, carrying, or displaying a specific load or object a plate rack ; a hat rack ; a hay rack ; a luggage rack
[30] a toothed bar designed to engage a pinion to form a mechanism that will interconvert rotary and rectilinear motions
[31] a framework fixed to an aircraft for carrying bombs, rockets, etc
[32] the rack an instrument of torture that stretched the body of the victim
[33] a cause or state of mental or bodily stress, suffering, etc; anguish; torment (esp in the phrase on the rack )
[34] slang , mainly US a woman's breasts
[35] US and Canadian (in pool, snooker, etc) the triangular frame used to arrange the balls for the opening shot the balls so grouped Brit equivalent: frame
[36] to torture on the rack
[37] Also: wrack to cause great stress or suffering to guilt racked his conscience
[38] Also: wrack to strain or shake (something) violently, as by great physical force the storm racked the town
[39] to place or arrange in or on a rack to rack bottles of wine
[40] to move (parts of machinery or a mechanism) using a toothed rack
[41] to raise (rents) exorbitantly; rack-rent
[42] rack one's brains to strain in mental effort, esp to remember something or to find the solution to a problem
[43] destruction; wreck (obsolete except in the phrase go to rack and ruin )
[44] another word for single-foot, a gait of the horse
[45] a group of broken clouds moving in the wind
[46] (intr) (of clouds) to be blown along by the wind
[47] to clear (wine, beer, etc) as by siphoning it off from the dregs
[48] to fill a container with (beer, wine, etc)
[49] the neck or rib section of mutton, pork, or veal

Words related to Rack

box, shelf, counter, bed, furniture, torment, wrench, afflict, shake, perch, receptacle, trestle, bracket, stand, ledge, holder, structure, arbor, crucify, pull

Words nearby Rack

racing flag, racing form, racing skate, racism, racist, rack, rack and pinion, rack and ruin, go to, rack car, rack locomotive, rack off

Origin of Rack

6First recorded in 1560–70; origin uncertain

Words that may be confused with Rack

rack, wrack, wreak, wreck, racked, wracked, wreaked, wrecked

Other words from Rack

rack·ing·ly , adverb

Word origin for Rack

Old English hrace ; related to Old High German rahho , Danish harke , Swedish harkla to clear one's throat

Synonyms for Rack

bed, box, counter, furniture, shelf, arbor, bracket, holder, ledge, perch, receptacle, stand, structure, trestle