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Showing words for RAGGED using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Ragged
5 Letter Words for Ragged
4 Letter Words for Ragged
3 Letter Words for Ragged
Definitions for Ragged
[1] clothed in tattered garments: a ragged old man.
[2] torn or worn to rags; tattered: ragged clothing.
[3] shaggy, as an animal, its coat, etc.
[4] having loose or hanging shreds or fragmentary bits: a ragged wound.
[5] full of rough or sharp projections; jagged: ragged stones.
[6] in a wild or neglected state: a ragged garden.
[7] rough, imperfect, or faulty: a ragged piece of work.
[8] harsh, as sound, the voice, etc.
[9] (of a column of type) set or printed with one side unjustified; either flush left with the right side unjustified (ragged right) or flush right with the left side unjustified (ragged left) .
[10] to scold.
[11] to subject to a teasing, especially in an intense or prolonged way (often followed by on ): Some of the boys were ragging on him about his haircut.
[12] British . to torment with jokes; play crude practical jokes on.
[13] British . an act of ragging.
[14] to break up (lumps of ore) for sorting.
[15] a musical composition in ragtime: a piano rag.
[16] to play (music) in ragtime.
[17] (of clothes) worn to rags; tattered
[18] (of a person) dressed in shabby tattered clothes
[19] having a neglected or unkempt appearance ragged weeds
[20] having a loose, rough, or uneven surface or edge; jagged
[21] uneven or irregular a ragged beat ; a ragged shout
[22] a small piece of cloth, such as one torn from a discarded garment, or such pieces of cloth collectively (as modifier ) a rag doll ; a rag book ; rag paper
[23] a fragmentary piece of any material; scrap; shred
[24] informal a newspaper or other journal, esp one considered as worthless, sensational, etc
[25] informal an item of clothing
[26] informal a handkerchief
[27] British slang esp nautical a flag or ensign
[28] lose one's rag to lose one's temper suddenly
[29] to draw attention facetiously and persistently to the shortcomings or alleged shortcomings of (a person)
[30] British to play rough practical jokes on
[31] British a boisterous practical joke, esp one on a fellow student
[32] (in British universities) a period, usually a week, in which various events are organized to raise money for charity, including a procession of decorated floats and tableaux (as modifier ) rag day
[33] a piece of ragtime music
[34] (tr) to compose or perform in ragtime
[35] a roofing slate that is rough on one side
Words related to Ragged
dilapidated, torn, serrated, broken, rent, jagged, rough, disorganized, notched, mean, fragmented, frayed, frazzled, shredded, battered, contemptible, crude, desultory, dingy, irregular
Words nearby Ragged
ragdoll, rage, rage quit, ragfish, ragga, ragged, ragged edge, ragged jacket, ragged robin, ragged school, raggedy
Origin of Ragged
4First recorded in 1895–1900; shortened form of ragtime
Other words from Ragged
rag·ged·ly , adverb
rag·ged·ness , noun
Word origin for Ragged
C13: of obscure origin
Synonyms for Ragged
battered, broken, dilapidated, disorganized, fragmented, frayed, frazzled, jagged, mean, notched, patched, rent, rough, serrated, shredded, torn, badly dressed, badly worn, contemptible, crude, desultory, dingy, down at the heel, full of holes, in holes, in rags, in tatters, irregular, moth-eaten, poor, poorly made, rugged, scraggy, seedy, shabby, shaggy, shoddy, tacky, tattered, tatty, threadbare, uneven, unfinished, unkempt, unpressed, worse for wear