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Showing words for RAPT using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Rapt
3 Letter Words for Rapt
Definitions for Rapt
[1] deeply engrossed or absorbed: a rapt listener.
[2] transported with emotion; enraptured: rapt with joy.
[3] showing or proceeding from rapture: a rapt smile.
[4] carried off spiritually to another place, sphere of existence, etc.
[5] to strike, especially with a quick, smart, or light blow: He rapped the door with his cane.
[6] to utter sharply or vigorously: to rap out a command.
[7] (of a spirit summoned by a medium) to communicate (a message) by raps (often followed by out ).
[8] Slang . to criticize sharply: Critics could hardly wait to rap the play.
[9] Slang . to arrest, detain, or sentence for a crime.
[10] Metallurgy . to jar (a pattern) loose from a sand mold.
[11] to knock smartly or lightly, especially so as to make a noise: to rap on a door.
[12] Slang . to talk or discuss, especially freely, openly, or volubly; chat.
[13] Slang . to talk rhythmically to the beat of rap music.
[14] a quick, smart, or light blow: a rap on the knuckles with a ruler.
[15] the sound produced by such a blow: They heard a loud rap at the door.
[16] Slang . blame or punishment, especially for a crime.
[17] Slang . a criminal charge: a murder rap.
[18] Slang . response, reception, or judgment: The product has been getting a very bad rap.
[19] Slang . a talk, conversation, or discussion; chat. talk designed to impress, convince, etc.; spiel: a high-pressure sales rap.
[20] rap music.
[21] to carry off; transport.
[22] to transport with rapture.
[23] to seize for oneself; snatch.
[24] totally absorbed; engrossed; spellbound, esp through or as if through emotion rapt with wonder
[25] characterized by or proceeding from rapture a rapt smile
[26] Also: wrapped Australian and NZ informal very pleased: delighted
[27] to strike (a fist, stick, etc) against (something) with a sharp quick blow; knock he rapped at the door
[28] (intr) to make a sharp loud sound, esp by knocking
[29] (tr) to rebuke or criticize sharply
[30] (tr foll by out ) to put (forth) in sharp rapid speech; utter in an abrupt fashion to rap out orders
[31] (intr) slang to talk, esp volubly
[32] (intr) to perform a rhythmic monologue with a musical backing
[33] rap over the knuckles to reprimand
[34] a sharp quick blow or the sound produced by such a blow
[35] a sharp rebuke or criticism
[36] slang voluble talk; chatter stop your rap
[37] a fast, rhythmic monologue over a prerecorded instrumental track (as modifier ) rap music
[38] slang a legal charge or case
[39] beat the rap US and Canadian slang to escape punishment or be acquitted of a crime
[40] take the rap slang to suffer the consequences of a mistake, misdeed, or crime, whether guilty or not
[41] (used with a negative) the least amount (esp in the phrase not to care a rap )
[42] Australian informal a variant spelling of wrap (def. 8), wrap (def. 14)
Words related to Rapt
ecstatic, delighted, rapturous, spellbound, inattentive, enthralled, absent, absent-minded, abstracted, bewitched, blissful, busy, charmed, deep, dreaming, employed, enamored, engaged, engrossed, happy
Words nearby Rapt
rapport, rapporteur, rapprochement, rappé pie, rapscallion, rapt, raptor, raptorial, rapture, rapture of the deep, raptured
Origin of Rapt
3First recorded in 1520–30; back formation from rapt
Words that may be confused with Rapt
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, raprap, wrap, rapped, rapt, wrapped
Other words from Rapt
rapt·ly , adverb
rapt·ness , noun
Word origin for Rapt
C18: probably from ropaire counterfeit coin formerly current in Ireland
Synonyms for Rapt
delighted, ecstatic, enthralled, inattentive, rapturous, spellbound, absent, absent-minded, abstracted, beguiled, bewitched, blissful, busy, captivated, carried away, caught up in, charmed, daydreaming, deep, dreaming, employed, enamored, engaged, engrossed, enraptured, entranced, gripped, happy, held, hung up, hypnotized, immersed, intent, involved, lost, oblivious, occupied, overwhelmed, preoccupied, ravished, taken, transported, unconscious, wrapped, wrapped up