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Showing words for RARE using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Rare
3 Letter Words for Rare
Definitions for Rare
[1] coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon: a rare disease; His visits are rare occasions.
[2] thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated: Lighthouses are rare on that part of the coast.
[3] having the component parts not closely compacted together; not dense: rare gases; lightheaded from the rare mountain air.
[4] unusually great: a rare display of courage.
[5] unusually excellent; admirable; fine: She showed rare tact in inviting them.
[6] (of meat) cooked just slightly: He likes his steak rare.
[7] rear2(def 6) .
[8] not widely known; not frequently used or experienced; uncommon or unusual a rare word
[9] occurring seldom a rare appearance
[10] not widely distributed; not generally occurring a rare herb
[11] (of a gas, esp the atmosphere at high altitudes) having a low density; thin; rarefied
[12] uncommonly great; extreme kind to a rare degree
[13] exhibiting uncommon excellence; superlatively good or fine rare skill
[14] highly valued because of its uncommonness a rare prize
[15] (of meat, esp beef) very lightly cooked
Words related to Rare
limited, unusual, singular, uncommon, occasional, extraordinary, strange, unlikely, subtle, scarce, unique, unthinkable, great, delicate, rich, priceless, exquisite, attenuate, deficient, few
Words nearby Rare
raptured, rapturous, raptus, rar, rara avis, rare, rare bird, a, rare book, rare earth, rare gas, rare-earth element
Origin of Rare
21645–55; variant of earlier rear, Middle English rere, Old English hrēr lightly boiled
Words that may be confused with Rare
Other words from Rare
rare·ness , noun
rare·ness , noun
Word origin for Rare
Old English hrēr ; perhaps related to hreaw raw
Synonyms for Rare
extraordinary, limited, occasional, scarce, singular, strange, subtle, uncommon, unique, unlikely, unthinkable, unusual, attenuate, attenuated, deficient, few, few and far between, flimsy, inconceivable, isolated, light, out of the ordinary, rarefied, recherché, scanty, scattered, seldom, semioccasional, short, sparse, sporadic, subtile, tenuous, thin, unfrequent, unheard of, unimaginable, unwonted