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Showing words for RASH using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Rash
3 Letter Words for Rash
Definitions for Rash
[1] acting or tending to act too hastily or without due consideration.
[2] characterized by or showing too great haste or lack of consideration: rash promises.
[3] an eruption or efflorescence on the skin.
[4] a multitude of instances of something occurring more or less during the same period of time: a rash of robberies last month.
[5] acting without due consideration or thought; impetuous
[6] characterized by or resulting from excessive haste or impetuosity a rash word
[7] pathol any skin eruption
[8] a series of unpleasant and unexpected occurrences a rash of forest fires
Words related to Rash
impetuous, foolhardy, ill-considered, thoughtless, indiscreet, bold, hasty, daring, audacious, ill-advised, immature, imprudent, reckless, irrational, flood, eruption, epidemic, spate, wave, madcap
Words nearby Rash
rascal, rascality, rascally, rascasse, rase, rash, rash shirt, rasher, rashi, rashid, rashida
Origin of Rash
21700–10; < French rache (obsolete), Old French rasche skin eruption, derivative of raschier to scratch, ultimately < Latin rādere to scratch
Other words from Rash
rash·ly , adverb
rash·ness , noun
rash·like , adjective
Word origin for Rash
C18: from Old French rasche , from raschier to scratch, from Latin rādere to scrape
Synonyms for Rash
audacious, bold, daring, foolhardy, hasty, ill-advised, ill-considered, immature, impetuous, imprudent, indiscreet, irrational, reckless, thoughtless, madcap, precipitant, precipitate, wild, adventurous, brash, determined, devil-may-care, fiery, frenzied, furious, harebrained, headlong, headstrong, heedless, hotheaded, incautious, injudicious, insuppressible, jumping to conclusions, overhasty, passionate, premature, unguarded, unthinking, unwary, venturesome, venturous