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Showing words for RAUCOUS using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Raucous
6 Letter Words for Raucous
5 Letter Words for Raucous
4 Letter Words for Raucous
3 Letter Words for Raucous
Definitions for Raucous
[1] harsh; strident; grating: raucous voices; raucous laughter.
[2] rowdy; disorderly: a raucous party.
[3] (of voices, cries, etc) harshly or hoarsely loud
Words related to Raucous
discordant, loud, strident, harsh, rambunctious, turbulent, unruly, boisterous, acute, blatant, brusque, cacophonous, dissonant, dry, grating, grinding, gruff, hoarse, husky, inharmonious
Words nearby Raucous
rattoon, rattrap, ratty, ratushinskaya, rau, raucous, raunch, raunchy, raupatu, raupo, rauriki
Origin of Raucous
1760–70; < Latin raucus hoarse, harsh, rough; see -ous
Other words from Raucous
rau·cous·ly , adverb
rau·cous·ness , rau·ci·ty [raw -si-tee] /ˈrɔ sɪ ti/ , noun
Word origin for Raucous
C18: from Latin raucus hoarse
Synonyms for Raucous
discordant, harsh, loud, strident, absonant, acute, atonal, blaring, blatant, braying, brusque, cacophonous, dissonant, dry, ear-piercing, grating, grinding, gruff, hoarse, husky, inharmonious, jarring, piercing, rasping, sharp, squawking, stertorous, thick, unharmonious, unmusical