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Showing words for RAVENING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Ravening
7 Letter Words for Ravening
6 Letter Words for Ravening
5 Letter Words for Ravening
4 Letter Words for Ravening
3 Letter Words for Ravening
Definitions for Ravening
[1] rapacious; voracious.
[2] rapacity.
[3] to seek plunder or prey.
[4] to eat or feed voraciously or greedily: to raven like an animal.
[5] to have a ravenous appetite.
[6] to seize as spoil or prey.
[7] to devour voraciously.
[8] rapine; robbery.
[9] plunder or prey.
[10] (esp of animals such as wolves) voracious; predatory
[11] a traditional trickster hero among the native peoples of the Canadian Pacific Northwest
[12] a large passerine bird, Corvus corax , having a large straight bill, long wedge-shaped tail, and black plumage: family Corvidae (crows). It has a hoarse croaking cry
[13] a shiny black colour (as adjective ) raven hair
[14] to seize or seek (plunder, prey, etc)
[15] to eat (something) voraciously or greedily; be ravenous in eating
Words related to Ravening
rapacious, voracious, greedy, marauding, ferocious, ravenous, predatory, insatiable, unrelenting, barbarous, murderous, ruthless, atrocious, inhuman, brutal, bloody, fierce, violent, cold-blooded, sadistic
Words nearby Ravening
ravelin, raveling, ravelment, raven, raven, the, ravening, ravenna, ravenous, raver, ravi, ravigote
Origin of Ravening
21485–95; earlier ravine < Middle French raviner, ultimately < Latin rapīna rapine
Other words from Ravening
rav·en·ing·ly , adverb
Word origin for Ravening
C15: from Old French raviner to attack impetuously; see ravenous
Synonyms for Ravening
greedy, marauding, rapacious, voracious, bloodthirsty, carnivorous, depredatory, despoiling, hungry, hunting, pillaging, plundering, predacious, predative, preying, raptorial, ravaging, thieving, vulturine, vulturous, wolfish