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Showing words for RAVINE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Ravine
5 Letter Words for Ravine
4 Letter Words for Ravine
3 Letter Words for Ravine
Definitions for Ravine
[1] a narrow steep-sided valley commonly eroded by running water.
[2] a deep narrow steep-sided valley, esp one formed by the action of running water
Words related to Ravine
abyss, valley, gully, crevasse, crevice, canyon, chasm, gorge, ditch, flume, defile, cut, gulf, fissure, break, wash, pass, gulch, notch, arroyo
Words nearby Ravine
ravenous, raver, ravi, ravigote, ravin, ravine, ravined, raving, ravioli, ravish, ravishing
Origin of Ravine
1400–50; late Middle English < Middle French: torrent, Old French: a violent rushing; see raven2
Other words from Ravine
ra·vine·y , adjective
Word origin for Ravine
C15: from Old French: torrent, from Latin rapīna robbery, influenced by Latin rapidus rapid , both from rapere to snatch
Synonyms for Ravine
abyss, canyon, chasm, crevasse, crevice, ditch, gorge, gully, valley, arroyo, break, clove, cut, defile, fissure, flume, gulch, gulf, notch, pass, wash, coulee