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Showing words for RAWHIDE using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Rawhide


6 Letter Words for Rawhide

dehair, haired, hardie, waired, waried

5 Letter Words for Rawhide

aider, aired, awhir, awide, deair, derah, dewar, dheri, haire, hared, hawed, hawer, heard, hider, hiera, hired, irade, rahed, redia, rehid, rheda, wader, waide, waird, wared, weird, whare, whear, wider, wierd, wired, wride, wried

4 Letter Words for Rawhide

ahed, aide, aire, ared, arew, arid, awed, daer, dare, dari, dawe, dear, deaw, deia, dhai, dhaw, dier, dire, draw, drew, drie, eadi, eard, eira, eria, hade, hair, hard, hare, hdwe, head, hear, heid, heir, hera, herd, hide, hied, hire, iare, idea, ired, rade, raid, read, rhea, ride, wade, wadi, waid, wair, ward, ware, wear, weid, weir, weri, whar, whid, whir, wide, wied, wird, wire

3 Letter Words for Rawhide

ade, adh, aer, ahi, aid, air, ard, are, awd, awe, dae, dah, dar, daw, dea, dei, der, dew, dha, dia, die, dir, ead, ear, edh, eir, era, erd, had, hae, haw, hed, hei, her, hew, hia, hid, hie, hir, ida, ide, ira, ire, iwa, rad, rah, rai, raw, rea, red, reh, rei, rew, rha, rhd, rhe, ria, rid, rie, rwd, wad, wae, wah, war, wed, wer, wha, whr, wid, wir

Definitions for Rawhide

[1] untanned skin of cattle or other animals.
[2] a rope or whip made of rawhide.
[3] to whip with a rawhide.
[4] untanned hide
[5] a whip or rope made of strips cut from such a hide

Words related to Rawhide

cane, bat, prod, scourge, ruler, thong, rod, goad, crop, strap, push, switch, lash, belt, knout, horsewhip, birch, bullwhip

Words nearby Rawhide

raw umber, raw-pack method, rawalpindi, rawaru, rawboned, rawhide, rawhide hammer, rawin, rawinsonde, rawlings, rawlins

Origin of Rawhide

First recorded in 1650–60; raw + hide2

Synonyms for Rawhide

cane, bat, belt, birch, cat-o'-nine-tails, crop, goad, horsewhip, knout, lash, prod, push, rod, ruler, scourge, strap, switch, thong, bullwhip