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Showing words for RECEPTOR using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Receptor
7 Letter Words for Receptor
6 Letter Words for Receptor
5 Letter Words for Receptor
4 Letter Words for Receptor
3 Letter Words for Receptor
Definitions for Receptor
[1] Physiology . an end organ or a group of end organs of sensory or afferent neurons, specialized to be sensitive to stimulating agents, as touch or heat.
[2] Cell Biology . any of various specific protein molecules in surface membranes of cells and organelles to which complementary molecules, as hormones, neurotransmitters, antigens, or antibodies, may become bound.
[3] the panlike base of a stall shower.
[4] physiol a sensory nerve ending that changes specific stimuli into nerve impulses
[5] any of various devices that receive information, signals, etc
Words nearby Receptor
reception room, receptionism, receptionist, receptive, receptive aphasia, receptor, receptor protein, recess, recession, recessional, recessional moraine
Origin of Receptor
1400–50; late Middle English receptour < Old French < Latin receptor. See reception, -tor