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Showing words for RECITED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Recited
6 Letter Words for Recited
5 Letter Words for Recited
4 Letter Words for Recited
3 Letter Words for Recited
Definitions for Recited
[1] to repeat the words of, as from memory, especially in a formal manner: to recite a lesson.
[2] to repeat (a piece of poetry or prose) before an audience, as for entertainment.
[3] to give an account of: to recite one's adventures.
[4] to enumerate.
[5] to recite a lesson or part of a lesson for a teacher.
[6] to recite or repeat something from memory.
[7] to repeat (a poem, passage, etc) aloud from memory before an audience, teacher, etc
[8] (tr) to give a detailed account of
[9] (tr) to enumerate (examples, etc)
Words related to Recited
eclaim, repeat, communicate, perform, chant, explain, rehearse, deliver, enumerate, mention, recount, reply, utter, interpret, speak, render, expatiate, relate, describe, recapitulate
Words nearby Recited
reciterecital, recitatif, recitation, recitative, recitativo, recite, reck, reckless, recklinghausen, recklinghausen's disease, recklinghausen's disease of bone
Origin of Recited
1400–50; late Middle English reciten < Latin recitāre to read aloud, equivalent to re- re- + citāre to summon, cite1
Other words from Recited
re·cit·a·ble , adjective
re·cit·er , noun
pre·re·cite , verb (used with object), pre·re·cit·ed, pre·re·cit·ing.
un·re·cit·ed , adjective
well-re·cit·ed , adjective
Word origin for Recited
C15: from Latin recitāre to cite again, from re- + citāre to summon; see cite
Synonyms for Recited
chant, communicate, declaim, deliver, enumerate, explain, interpret, mention, perform, recount, reel off, rehearse, repeat, reply, speak, utter, address, answer, convey, delineate, describe, detail, discourse, dramatize, enact, enlarge, expatiate, impart, itemize, parrot, picture, portray, quote, recapitulate, relate, render, report, retell, soliloquize, state, tell, account for, give a report, give an account, give verbal account, hold forth