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Showing words for RECKLESS using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Reckless
7 Letter Words for Reckless
6 Letter Words for Reckless
5 Letter Words for Reckless
4 Letter Words for Reckless
3 Letter Words for Reckless
Definitions for Reckless
[1] utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution; careless (usually followed by of ): to be reckless of danger.
[2] characterized by or proceeding from such carelessness: reckless extravagance.
[3] having or showing no regard for danger or consequences; heedless; rash a reckless driver ; a reckless attempt
Words related to Reckless
foolhardy, thoughtless, daring, brash, hasty, audacious, carefree, negligent, careless, ill-advised, imprudent, adventurous, breakneck, daredevil, desperate, devil-may-care, feckless, harebrained, headlong, heedless
Words nearby Reckless
recitation, recitative, recitativo, recite, reck, reckless, recklinghausen, recklinghausen's disease, recklinghausen's disease of bone, recklinghausen's tumor, reckon
Origin of Reckless
before 900; Middle English rekles, Old English reccelēas careless (cognate with German ruchlos ); see reck, -less
Words that may be confused with Reckless
Other words from Reckless
reck·less·ly , adverb
reck·less·ness , noun
Word origin for Reckless
Old English recceleās (see reck , -less ); related to Middle Dutch roekeloos , Old High German ruahhalōs
Synonyms for Reckless
audacious, brash, carefree, careless, daring, foolhardy, hasty, ill-advised, imprudent, negligent, thoughtless, adventuresome, adventurous, any which way, breakneck, daredevil, desperate, devil-may-care, fast and loose, feckless, harebrained, headlong, heedless, helter-skelter, hopeless, hotheaded, inattentive, incautious, inconsiderate, indiscreet, kooky, madcap, mindless, overventuresome, playing with fire, precipitate, rash, regardless, temerarious, uncareful, venturesome, venturous, wild