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Showing words for RECOMMEND using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Recommend
7 Letter Words for Recommend
6 Letter Words for Recommend
5 Letter Words for Recommend
4 Letter Words for Recommend
3 Letter Words for Recommend
Definitions for Recommend
[1] to present as worthy of confidence, acceptance, use, etc.; commend; mention favorably: to recommend an applicant for a job; to recommend a book.
[2] to represent or urge as advisable or expedient: to recommend caution.
[3] to advise, as an alternative; suggest (a choice, course of action, etc.) as appropriate, beneficial, or the like: He recommended the blue-plate special. The doctor recommended special exercises for her.
[4] to make desirable or attractive: a plan that has very little to recommend it.
[5] to make a recommendation.
[6] Informal . a recommendation.
[7] (may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to advise as the best course or choice; counsel to recommend prudence
[8] to praise or commend to recommend a new book
[9] to make attractive or advisable the trip has little to recommend it
[10] archaic to entrust (a person or thing) to someone else's care; commend
Words related to Recommend
urge, uphold, confirm, propose, advocate, prescribe, back, favor, praise, endorse, justify, suggest, acclaim, sanction, commend, second, laud, enjoin, extol, eulogize
Words nearby Recommend
recombinant dna technology, recombinase, recombination, recombine, recommence, recommend, recommendation, recommendatory, recommended daily allowance, recommended dietary allowance, recommit
Origin of Recommend
1350–1400; Middle English recommenden < Medieval Latin recommendāre, equivalent to Latin re- re- + commendāre to commend
Other words from Recommend
rec·om·mend·a·ble , adjective
rec·om·mend·er , noun
pre·rec·om·mend , verb (used with object)
un·rec·om·mend·a·ble , adjective
un·rec·om·mend·ed , adjective
well-rec·om·mend·ed , adjective
Word origin for Recommend
C14: via Medieval Latin from Latin re- + commendāre to commend
Synonyms for Recommend
advocate, back, confirm, endorse, favor, justify, praise, prescribe, propose, suggest, uphold, urge, acclaim, advance, applaud, celebrate, commend, compliment, counsel, enjoin, esteem, eulogize, exalt, exhort, extol, glorify, laud, magnify, plug, prize, sanction, second, steer, value, be all for, be satisfied with, front for, go on record for, hold up, put forward, put in a good word, put on to, speak highly of, speak well of, stand by, think highly of, vouch for