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Showing words for RECON using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Recon
coner, crone, necro, oncer, recon
4 Letter Words for Recon
cern, cero, cone, core, corn, econ, nore, once, oner, reno, rone
3 Letter Words for Recon
cen, ceo, cer, con, cor, cro, eco, enc, eon, ern, nco, neo, nor, oer, one, orc, ore, rec, roc, roe, ron
Definitions for Recon
[1] reconnaissance.
[2] reconnoiter.
Words related to Recon
exploration, surveillance, examine, discover, snoop, scrutinize, search, scan, review, probe, scrutiny, investigation, survey, case, sleuth, notice, glimpse, scout, trail, watch
Words nearby Recon
recommended dietary allowance, recommit, recompense, recompose, recompression chamber, recon, reconcentration, reconcilable, reconcile, reconciliate, reconciliation
Origin of Recon
An Americanism dating back to 1915–20; by shortening
Synonyms for Recon
exploration, surveillance, investigation, maneuvers, probe, review, scan, scrutiny, search, survey, reconnoiter