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Showing words for RECROSS using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Recross
[1] a structure consisting essentially of an upright and a transverse piece, used to execute persons in ancient times.
[2] any object, figure, or mark resembling a cross, as two intersecting lines.
[3] a mark resembling a cross, usually an X, made instead of a signature by a person unable to write.
[4] the Cross, the cross upon which Jesus died.
[5] a figure of the Cross as a Christian emblem, badge, etc.
[6] the Cross as the symbol of Christianity.
[7] a small cross with a human figure attached to it, as a representation of Jesus crucified; crucifix.
[8] a sign made with the right hand by tracing the figure of a cross in the air or by touching the foreheard, chest, and shoulders, as an act of devotion.
[9] a structure or monument in the form of a cross, set up for prayer, as a memorial, etc.
[10] any of various conventional representations or modifications of the Christian emblem used symbolically or for ornament, as in heraldry or art: a Latin cross; a Maltese cross.
[11] the crucifixion of Jesus as the culmination of His redemptive mission.
[12] any suffering endured for Jesus' sake.
[13] the teaching of redemption gained by Jesus' death.
[14] the Christian religion, or those who accept it; Christianity; Christendom.
[15] an opposition; thwarting; frustration.
[16] any misfortune; trouble.
[17] a crossing of animals or plants; a mixing of breeds.
[18] an animal, plant, breed, etc., produced by crossing; crossbreed.
[19] a person or thing that is intermediate in character between two others.
[20] Boxing . a punch thrown across and over the lead of an opponent.
[21] Older Slang . a contest the result of which is dishonestly arranged beforehand: Many of the onlookers, especially some who had bet heavily on Taylor, complained loudly that the fight was a “damnable cross.”
[22] a crossing.
[23] a place of crossing.
[24] Plumbing . a four-way joint or connection.
[25] Theater . an actor's movement from one area of a stage to another.
[26] Also called cross-trade. Stock Exchange . an arrangement for the simultaneous sale and purchase of a block of stock handled by a single broker.
[27] Machinery . spider(def 6b) .
[28] (initial capital letter ) Astronomy . Southern Cross.
[29] to move, pass, or extend from one side to the other side of (a street, river, etc.).
[30] to put or draw (a line, lines, etc.) across.
[31] to cancel by marking with a cross or with a line or lines (often followed by off or out ).
[32] to mark with a cross.
[33] to lie or pass across; intersect.
[34] to meet and pass.
[35] to transport across something.
[36] to assist or guide (a person) across a street or intersection: The guard crossed the child at the traffic light.
[37] to place in the form of a cross or crosswise.
[38] Biology . to cause (members of different genera, species, breeds, varieties, or the like) to interbreed.
[39] to oppose openly; thwart; frustrate.
[40] Slang . to betray; double-cross.
[41] to make the sign of a cross upon or over, as in devotion: to cross oneself.
[42] Nautical . to set (a yard) in proper position on a mast.
[43] Obsolete . to confront in a hostile manner.
[44] to lie or be athwart; intersect.
[45] to move, pass, or extend from one side or place to another: Cross at the intersection.
[46] to meet and pass.
[47] to interbreed.
[48] Theater . to move from one side of the stage to the other, especially by passing downstage of another actor.
[49] angry and annoyed; ill-humored; snappish: Don't be cross with me.
[50] lying or passing crosswise or across each other; athwart; transverse: cross timbers.
[51] involving a reciprocal action, interchange, or the like: a cross-endorsement of political candidates; cross-marketing of related services.
[52] contrary; opposite: They were at cross purposes with each other.
[53] adverse; unfavorable.
[54] crossbred; hybrid.
[55] cross over , Biology . (of a chromosome segment) to undergo crossing over. to switch allegiance, as from one political party to another. to change successfully from one field of endeavor, genre, etc., to another: to cross over from jazz to rock. to die; pass away. Also cross over to the other side .
[56] cross up , to change arrangements made with; deceive: He crossed me up after we had agreed to tell the police the same story. to confuse: I was supposed to meet him at the station, but got crossed up.
[57] bear one's cross , to accept trials or troubles patiently.
[58] cross one's heart . heart(def 24) .
[59] cross one's mind . mind(def 37) .
[60] cross one's path . path(def 7) .
[61] cross someone's palm (with silver) , to give money to, especially in payment for a service: I shall tell your fortune, but you must first cross my palm with silver.
[62] cross the line , line1(def 68) .
[63] on the cross , Older Slang . in a dishonest manner; illegally: Her elegant clothes and those two splendid rings had been acquired on the cross.
[64] take the cross , to make the vows of a crusader.
[65] to move or go across (something) again recross the river at the Ponte Solferino
[66] the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified
[67] the Crucifixion of Jesus
[68] Richard Assheton , 1st Viscount. 1823–1914, British Conservative statesman, home secretary (1874–80); noted for reforms affecting housing, public health, and the employment of women and children in factories
[69] a structure or symbol consisting essentially of two intersecting lines or pieces at right angles to one another
[70] a wooden structure used as a means of execution, consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece to which people were nailed or tied
[71] a representation of the Cross used as an emblem of Christianity or as a reminder of Christ's death
[72] any mark or shape consisting of two intersecting lines, esp such a symbol (× ) used as a signature, point of intersection, error mark, etc
[73] a sign representing the Cross made either by tracing a figure in the air or by touching the forehead, breast, and either shoulder in turn
[74] any conventional variation of the Christian symbol, used emblematically, decoratively, or heraldically, such as a Maltese, tau, or Greek cross
[75] heraldry any of several charges in which one line crosses or joins another at right angles
[76] a cruciform emblem awarded to indicate membership of an order or as a decoration for distinguished service
[77] (sometimes capital) Christianity or Christendom, esp as contrasted with non-Christian religions Cross and Crescent
[78] the place in a town or village where a cross has been set up
[79] a pipe fitting, in the form of a cross, for connecting four pipes
[80] biology the process of crossing; hybridization an individual produced as a result of this process
[81] a mixture of two qualities or types he's a cross between a dictator and a saint
[82] an opposition, hindrance, or misfortune; affliction (esp in the phrase bear one's cross )
[83] slang a match or game in which the outcome has been rigged
[84] slang a fraud or swindle
[85] boxing a straight punch delivered from the side, esp with the right hand
[86] football the act or an instance of kicking or passing the ball from a wing to the middle of the field
[87] on the cross diagonally slang dishonestly
[88] (sometimes foll by over) to move or go across (something); traverse or intersect we crossed the road
[89] to meet and pass the two trains crossed (of each of two letters in the post) to be dispatched before receipt of the other
[90] (tr; usually foll by out, off, or through) to cancel with a cross or with lines; delete
[91] (tr) to place or put in a form resembling a cross to cross one's legs
[92] (tr) to mark with a cross or crosses
[93] (tr) British to draw two parallel lines across the face of (a cheque) and so make it payable only into a bank account
[94] (tr) to trace the form of the Cross, usually with the thumb or index finger upon (someone or something) in token of blessing to make the sign of the Cross upon (oneself)
[95] (intr) (of telephone lines) to interfere with each other so that three or perhaps four callers are connected together at one time
[96] to cause fertilization between (plants or animals of different breeds, races, varieties, etc)
[97] (tr) to oppose the wishes or plans of; thwart his opponent crosses him at every turn
[98] football to kick or pass (the ball) from a wing to the middle of the field
[99] (tr) nautical to set (the yard of a square sail) athwartships
[100] cross a bridge when one comes to it to deal with matters, problems, etc, as they arise; not to anticipate difficulties
[101] cross one's fingers to fold one finger across another in the hope of bringing good luck keep your fingers crossed
[102] cross one's heart to promise or pledge, esp by making the sign of a cross over one's heart
[103] cross one's mind to occur to one briefly or suddenly
[104] cross someone's palm to give someone money
[105] cross someone's path to meet or thwart someone
[106] cross swords to argue or fight
[107] angry; ill-humoured; vexed
[108] lying or placed across; transverse a cross timber
[109] involving interchange; reciprocal
[110] contrary or unfavourable
[111] another word for crossbred (def. 1)
[112] a Brit slang word for dishonest
Words nearby Recross
crosscrosby, crosby, bing, crosette, crosier, crosland, cross, cross a bridge when one comes to it, cross as a bear, cross assembler, cross bedding, cross bridging
Origin of Recross
crossbefore 1000; Middle English, late Old English cros < Old Norse kross < Old Irish cros (< British Celtic ) < Latin crux; see crux
Other words from Recross
cross·a·ble , adjective
cross·a·bil·i·ty , noun
re·cross , verb
un·cross·a·ble , adjective
Word origin for Recross
crossOld English cros, from Old Irish cross (unattested), from Latin crux; see crux