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Showing words for REDRESS using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Redress
6 Letter Words for Redress
5 Letter Words for Redress
4 Letter Words for Redress
3 Letter Words for Redress
Definitions for Redress
[1] the setting right of what is wrong: redress of abuses.
[2] relief from wrong or injury.
[3] compensation or satisfaction for a wrong or injury.
[4] to set right; remedy or repair (wrongs, injuries, etc.).
[5] to correct or reform (abuses, evils, etc.).
[6] to remedy or relieve (suffering, want, etc.).
[7] to adjust evenly again, as a balance.
[8] to dress again.
[9] to put right (a wrong), esp by compensation; make reparation for to redress a grievance
[10] to correct or adjust (esp in the phrase redress the balance )
[11] to make compensation to (a person) for a wrong
[12] the act or an instance of setting right a wrong; remedy or cure to seek redress of grievances
[13] compensation, amends, or reparation for a wrong, injury, etc
[14] relief from poverty or want
[15] (tr) to dress (something) again
Words related to Redress
retribution, reparation, remedy, reprisal, amends, atonement, indemnity, restitution, rectification, restore, vindicate, neutralize, amend, mend, counteract, regulate, correct, amendment, repair, recompense
Words nearby Redress
redowa, redox, redpoll, redraft, redraw, redress, redress the balance, redroot, redshank, redshift, redshifted
Origin of Redress
-dressFirst recorded in 1730–40; re- + dress
Words that may be confused with Redress
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, re-dressre-dress, redress, (see, synonym, study, at, redress)
Other words from Redress
re·dress·a·ble , re·dress·i·ble , adjective
re·dress·er , re·dres·sor , noun
un·re·dress·a·ble , adjective
Word origin for Redress
C14: from Old French redrecier to set up again, from re- + drecier to straighten; see dress
Synonyms for Redress
amends, atonement, indemnity, rectification, remedy, reparation, reprisal, restitution, retribution, aid, amendment, assistance, balancing, change, conciliation, correction, cure, ease, justice, offsetting, payment, quittance, recompense, reformation, rehabilitation, relief, remission, remodeling, renewal, repair, requital, return, revision, reward, reworking, satisfaction, vengeance, reestablishment