10 Letter Words for Redundancy
8 Letter Words for Redundancy
uncarded, undarned
7 Letter Words for Redundancy
adducer, anderun, anunder, ardency, cannery, dancery, daunder, duncery, durance, educand, nuanced, uncaned, uncared, undared, unraced, unrayed, unready
6 Letter Words for Redundancy
adduce, canned, canner, carded, cedarn, cedary, craddy, craned, craney, cranny, cruddy, cudden, cuerda, cunner, curded, curney, dacryd, danced, dancer, dancey, dander, danner, darned, dauncy, dauner, daured, decard, decury, denary, dendra, drayed, duenna, dunder, dunned, dunner, durned, endura, ennuya, enurny, nacred, nadder, narced, narded, neurad, nuance, ranced, randed, undead, undean, undear, undern, undyed, unnear, unread, unredy, yander, yarded, yarned, yarnen
5 Letter Words for Redundancy
acedy, acned, acred, adder, adred, adrue, adunc, adure, ancre, anded, andre, anend, anury, arced, aredd, arend, auden, cader, cadre, candy, caned, caner, canny, canun, cardy, cared, carey, carne, carny, cedar, cedry, crane, crany, craye, cread, creda, crena, crude, crudy, cuddy, cundy, cunea, cunny, cunye, curdy, cured, curny, dance, dancy, dandy, danny, darcy, dared, deady, dearn, deary, decad, decan, decay, decry, denar, denay, denda, deray, dread, dryad, dunce, dunne, dunny, dured, enray, eruca, nacre, nacry, nance, nancy, nandu, nardu, neddy, nerdy, nuddy, nuder, nunce, nunry, raced, rance, randn, randy, ranny, rayed, rayne, readd, ready, redan, reddy, renay, rendu, ruddy, runed, runny, udder, unadd, unare, unary, unden, under, undry, undye, unray, unred, urena, urnae, urned, ydrad, ydred, yeard, yearn
4 Letter Words for Redundancy
aced, acer, acne, acre, addn, addr, aden, adry, ance, anne, anre, anyu, ardu, ared, aren, aune, ayen, ayne, ayre, cade, cady, cand, cane, cann, cany, card, care, carn, cera, cern, cran, cray, cred, crud, crue, cuda, cued, cund, cura, curd, cure, curn, cury, cuya, cyan, dace, dade, daer, dand, dane, danu, dard, dare, darn, daud, daun, daur, dead, dean, dear, decd, deda, deny, dern, drad, dray, drey, duad, duan, duar, duce, dude, dued, duer, dune, duny, dura, durn, dyad, dyce, dyed, dyer, dyne, eard, earn, ecad, ecru, edda, eddy, educ, ency, eruc, euda, eyra, nace, nane, narc, nard, nare, nary, naur, near, nerd, nuda, nude, nunc, nurd, nyed, race, racy, rade, rand, rane, rann, raun, read, rean, recd, redd, rend, renn, reny, rudd, rude, rued, ruen, rund, rune, ryen, rynd, unca, unce, unda, unde, undy, uran, urde, urdy, urea, urna, yade, yard, yare, yarn, yaud, yead, yean, year, yerd, yern, yuan, yuca
3 Letter Words for Redundancy
ace, acy, adc, add, ade, ady, aer, anc, and, ane, ann, anu, any, arc, ard, are, arn, aru, ary, aud, aye, ayr, ayu, cad, can, car, cay, cdr, cen, cer, cru, cry, cud, cue, cun, cur, dad, dae, dan, dar, dau, day, dca, dea, dec, ded, den, der, dey, dna, dry, duc, dud, due, dun, dur, dye, dyn, ead, ean, ear, eau, ecu, edd, enc, end, era, erd, ern, eyn, eyr, nad, nae, nar, nay, nea, ned, nne, nun, nur, nye, rad, ran, ray, rcd, rea, rec, red, rna, rnd, ruc, rud, rue, run, rya, rye, uca, uey, una, unc, unn, ura, urd, ure, urn, yad, yan, yar, yea, yed, yen, yer, yue
Definitions for Redundancy
[1] the state of being redundant.
[2] superfluous repetition or overlapping, especially of words.
[3] a redundant thing, part, or amount; superfluity.
[4] the provision of additional or duplicate systems, equipment, etc., that function in case an operating part or system fails, as in a spacecraft.
[5] Linguistics . the inclusion of more information than is necessary for communication, as in those cars, where both words are marked for plurality. the additional, predictable information so included. the degree of predictability thereby created.
[6] Chiefly British . the condition or fact of being unemployed; unemployment. a layoff.
[7] the state or condition of being redundant or superfluous, esp superfluous in one's job (as modifier ) a redundancy payment
[8] excessive proliferation or profusion, esp of superfluity
[9] duplication of components in electronic or mechanical equipment so that operations can continue following failure of a part
[10] repetition of information or inclusion of additional information to reduce errors in telecommunication transmissions and computer processing
Words related to Redundancy
repetition, attrition, overabundance, wordiness, superfluity, excess, prolixity, tautology, profusion, superabundance, verbosity, circumlocution, verboseness, verbiage, pleonasm, supererogation, periphrasis
Words nearby Redundancy
reduction ratio, reductionism, reductive, reductivism, reductor, redundancy, redundancy pay, redundancy payment, redundant, redupl., reduplicate
Origin of Redundancy
1595–1605; < Latin redundantia an overflowing, excess, derivative of redundāns redundant; see -ancy
Words that may be confused with Redundancy
redundancy, tautology
Synonyms for Redundancy
repetition, excess, overabundance, prolixity, superfluity, tautology, wordiness