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Showing words for REFER using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Refer
[1] to direct for information or anything required: He referred me to books on astrology.
[2] to direct the attention or thoughts of: The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote.
[3] to hand over or submit for information, consideration, decision, etc.: to refer the argument to arbitration.
[4] to assign to a class, period, etc.; regard as belonging or related.
[5] to have relation; relate; apply.
[6] to direct attention, as a reference mark does.
[7] to have recourse or resort; turn, as for aid or information: to refer to one's notes.
[8] to make reference or allusion: The author referred to his teachers twice in his article.
[9] (intr) to make mention (of)
[10] (tr) to direct the attention of (someone) for information, facts, etc the reader is referred to Chomsky, 1965
[11] (intr) to seek information (from) I referred to a dictionary of English usage ; he referred to his notes
[12] (intr) to be relevant (to); pertain or relate (to) this song refers to an incident in the Civil War
[13] (tr) to assign or attribute Cromwell referred his victories to God
[14] (tr) to hand over for consideration, reconsideration, or decision to refer a complaint to another department
[15] (tr) to hand back to the originator as unacceptable or unusable
[16] (tr) British to fail (a student) in an examination
[17] (tr) British to send back (a thesis) to a student for improvement
[18] refer to drawer a request by a bank that the payee consult the drawer concerning a cheque payable by that bank (usually because the drawer has insufficient funds in his account), payment being suspended in the meantime
[19] (tr) to direct (a patient) for treatment to another doctor, usually a specialist
[20] (tr) social welfare to direct (a client) to another agency or professional for a service
Words related to Refer
invoke, hint, attribute, introduce, cite, indicate, assign, specify, transfer, deliver, send, submit, recommend, commit, answer, relate, involve, connect, go, apply
Words nearby Refer
refect, refection, refectory, refectory table, refel, refer, referee, reference, reference book, reference electrode, reference frame
Origin of Refer
1325–75; Middle English referren < Latin referre to bring back, equivalent to re- re- + ferre to bring, bear1
Other words from Refer
ref·er·a·ble , re·fer·ra·ble , re·fer·ri·ble [ref -er-uh -buh l, ri-fur -] /ˈrɛf ər ə bəl, rɪˈfɜr-/ , adjective
re·fer·rer , noun
mis·re·fer , verb, mis·re·ferred, mis·re·fer·ring.
pre·re·fer , verb (used with object), pre·re·ferred, pre·re·fer·ring.
un·re·ferred , adjective
well-re·ferred , adjective
Word origin for Refer
C14: from Latin referre to carry back, from re- + ferre to bear 1
Synonyms for Refer
assign, attribute, cite, hint, indicate, introduce, invoke, point out, specify, accredit, adduce, advert, allude, ascribe, associate, charge, credit, designate, excerpt, exemplify, extract, glance, impute, insert, instance, interpolate, lay, name, notice, point, quote, bring up, direct attention, give as example, make allusion, make mention of, make reference, put down to, speak about, speak of, touch on