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Showing words for REFORM using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Reform

former, reform

5 Letter Words for Reform

forme, frore, ormer

4 Letter Words for Reform

ferm, ferr, fore, form, froe, from, mero, more, omer, orfe, refr, roer, rome

3 Letter Words for Reform

emf, emo, eof, eom, erf, err, fem, fer, foe, for, fro, mer, mfr, moe, mor, oer, ore, orf, ref, rem, roe, rom

Definitions for Reform

[1] the improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory, etc.: social reform; spelling reform.
[2] an instance of this.
[3] the amendment of conduct, belief, etc.
[4] to change to a better state, form, etc.; improve by alteration, substitution, abolition, etc.
[5] to cause (a person) to abandon wrong or evil ways of life or conduct.
[6] to put an end to (abuses, disorders, etc.).
[7] Chemistry . to subject to the process of reforming, as in refining petroleum.
[8] to abandon evil conduct or error: The drunkard promised to reform.
[9] (initial capital letter ) of, relating to, or characteristic of Reform Jews or Reform Judaism: a Reform rabbi.
[10] to form again.
[11] (tr) to improve (an existing institution, law, practice, etc) by alteration or correction of abuses
[12] to give up or cause to give up a reprehensible habit or immoral way of life
[13] chem to change the molecular structure of (a hydrocarbon) to make it suitable for use as petrol by heat, pressure, and the action of catalysts
[14] an improvement or change for the better, esp as a result of correction of legal or political abuses or malpractices
[15] a principle, campaign, or measure aimed at achieving such change
[16] improvement of morals or behaviour, esp by giving up some vice
[17] to form anew

Words related to Reform

restore, renovate, resolve, standardize, repair, amend, reorganize, revolutionize, transform, rehabilitate, rebuild, revise, improve, remake, emend, rearrange, convert, regenerate, renew, rework

Words nearby Reform

reflux, reflux esophagitis, reflux oesophagitis, reflux otitis media, reforest, reform, reform bill, reform flask, reform jew, reform judaism, reform school

Origin of Reform

-form1300–50; Middle English; orig. identical with reform

Words that may be confused with Reform

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, re-formre-form, reform

Other words from Reform

re·form·a·ble , adjective
re·form·a·bil·i·ty , re·form·a·ble·ness , noun
re·form·a·tive , adjective
re·form·a·tive·ly , adverb
re·form·a·tive·ness , noun
re·form·ing·ly , adverb
an·ti·re·form , adjective
mis·re·form , verb
pre·re·form , adjective
pro·re·form , adjective
self-re·form , noun
su·per·re·form , noun, verb (used with object)
un·re·form·a·ble , adjective
un·re·form·a·tive , adjective
re-for·ma·tion , noun
re-form·er , noun

Word origin for Reform

C14: via Old French from Latin reformāre to form again

Synonyms for Reform

amend, improve, rebuild, rehabilitate, remake, renovate, reorganize, repair, resolve, restore, revise, revolutionize, standardize, transform, ameliorate, better, convert, correct, cure, emend, mend, rearrange, reclaim, reconstitute, reconstruct, redeem, refashion, regenerate, remedy, remodel, renew, rework, uplift, bring up to code, change one's ways, clean up, clean up one's act, go straight, make amends, make over, shape up, swear off, turn over a new leaf