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Showing words for REFORMED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Reformed
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6 Letter Words for Reformed
5 Letter Words for Reformed
4 Letter Words for Reformed
3 Letter Words for Reformed
Definitions for Reformed
[1] amended by removal of faults, abuses, etc.
[2] improved in conduct, morals, etc.
[3] (initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to Protestant churches, especially Calvinist as distinguished from Lutheran.
[4] to form again.
[5] the improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory, etc.: social reform; spelling reform.
[6] an instance of this.
[7] the amendment of conduct, belief, etc.
[8] to change to a better state, form, etc.; improve by alteration, substitution, abolition, etc.
[9] to cause (a person) to abandon wrong or evil ways of life or conduct.
[10] to put an end to (abuses, disorders, etc.).
[11] Chemistry . to subject to the process of reforming, as in refining petroleum.
[12] to abandon evil conduct or error: The drunkard promised to reform.
[13] (initial capital letter ) of, relating to, or characteristic of Reform Jews or Reform Judaism: a Reform rabbi.
[14] of or designating a Protestant Church, esp the Calvinist as distinct from the Lutheran
[15] of or designating Reform Judaism
[16] (tr) to improve (an existing institution, law, practice, etc) by alteration or correction of abuses
[17] to give up or cause to give up a reprehensible habit or immoral way of life
[18] chem to change the molecular structure of (a hydrocarbon) to make it suitable for use as petrol by heat, pressure, and the action of catalysts
[19] an improvement or change for the better, esp as a result of correction of legal or political abuses or malpractices
[20] a principle, campaign, or measure aimed at achieving such change
[21] improvement of morals or behaviour, esp by giving up some vice
[22] to form anew
Words related to Reformed
reconstituted, transformed, rehabilitated, renewed, improved, revised, corrected, altered, reset, amended, rectified, reestablished, converted, redeemed, righteous, born-again, reborn
Words nearby Reformed
reform judaism, reform school, reformate, reformation, reformatory, reformed, reformed church in america, reformed spelling, reformer, reforming, reformism
Origin of Reformed
1300–50; (v.) Middle English reformen < Middle French reformer, Old French < Latin refōrmāre (see re-, form); (noun) partly derivative of the v., partly < French réforme
Words that may be confused with Reformed
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, reformre-form, reform
Other words from Reformed
re·form·ed·ly [ri-fawr -mid-lee] /rɪˈfɔr mɪd li/ , adverb
pseu·do·re·formed , adjective
qua·si-re·formed , adjective
un·re·formed , adjective
re-for·ma·tion , noun
re-form·er , noun
re·form·a·ble , adjective
re·form·a·bil·i·ty , re·form·a·ble·ness , noun
re·form·a·tive , adjective
re·form·a·tive·ly , adverb
re·form·a·tive·ness , noun
re·form·ing·ly , adverb
an·ti·re·form , adjective
mis·re·form , verb
pre·re·form , adjective
pro·re·form , adjective
self-re·form , noun
su·per·re·form , noun, verb (used with object)
un·re·form·a·ble , adjective
un·re·form·a·tive , adjective
Word origin for Reformed
C14: via Old French from Latin reformāre to form again
Synonyms for Reformed
reconstituted, reconstructed, transformed, altered, amended, corrected, improved, rectified, reestablished, regenerated, renewed, reorganized, reset, revised, revolutionized, reworked