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Showing words for REGAL using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Regal
4 Letter Words for Regal
3 Letter Words for Regal
Definitions for Regal
[1] of or relating to a king; royal: the regal power.
[2] befitting or resembling a king.
[3] stately; splendid.
[4] a portable reed organ of the 16th and 17th centuries.
[5] of, relating to, or befitting a king or queen; royal
[6] (sometimes plural) a portable organ equipped only with small reed pipes, popular from the 15th century and recently revived for modern performance
Words related to Regal
august, glorious, imposing, kingly, magnificent, majestic, noble, proud, resplendent, royal, sovereign, splendid, stately, sublime, monarchial, monarchical, queenly
Words nearby Regal
refute, reg, reg., reg. prof., regain, regal, regal moth, regale, regalia, regality, regan
Origin of Regal
2First recorded in 1540–50, regal is from the Middle French word regale < ?
Words that may be confused with Regal
Other words from Regal
re·gal·ly , adverb
re·gal·ness , noun
Word origin for Regal
C16: from French régale ; of obscure origin
Synonyms for Regal
august, glorious, imposing, kingly, magnificent, majestic, monarchial, monarchical, noble, proud, queenly, resplendent, royal, sovereign, splendid, stately, sublime