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Showing words for REGROWTH using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Regrowth
7 Letter Words for Regrowth
6 Letter Words for Regrowth
5 Letter Words for Regrowth
4 Letter Words for Regrowth
3 Letter Words for Regrowth
Definitions for Regrowth
[1] the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase.
[2] size or stage of development: It hasn't yet reached its full growth.
[3] completed development.
[4] development from a simpler to a more complex stage: the growth of ritual forms.
[5] development from another but related form or stage: the growth of the nation state.
[6] something that has grown or developed by or as if by a natural process: a growth of stubborn weeds.
[7] Pathology . an abnormal increase in a mass of tissue, as a tumor.
[8] origin; source; production: onions of English growth.
[9] of or denoting a business, industry, or equity security that grows or is expected to grow in value over a long period of time: a growth industry; a growth stock.
[10] the growing back of hair, plants, etc
[11] the resurgence of an industry, economy, etc
[12] the process or act of growing, esp in organisms following assimilation of food
[13] an increase in size, number, significance, etc
[14] something grown or growing a new growth of hair
[15] a stage of development
[16] any abnormal tissue, such as a tumour
[17] (modifier) of, relating to, causing or characterized by growth a growth industry ; growth hormone
Words nearby Regrowth
growthgrowler, growly, grown, grown-up, grownup, growth, growth cone, growth curve, growth factor, growth fund, growth hormone
Origin of Regrowth
growth1550–60; see grow, -th1; probably cognate with Old Norse grōthr
Other words from Regrowth
an·ti·growth , adjective
pre·growth , noun
re·growth , noun
su·per·growth , noun, adjective