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Showing words for REGULATOR using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Regulator


8 Letter Words for Regulator

largeour, outglare, outrager

7 Letter Words for Regulator

argolet, garoter, garrote, gaulter, gloater, grouter, legator, outrage, regular, rotular, tegular, torulae, touareg, tragule

6 Letter Words for Regulator

agrote, alture, arguer, argute, aurore, elator, elutor, galore, garret, garrot, garter, gelato, goaler, gorrel, gouter, grater, grelot, gurlet, larger, larget, lauter, legato, lorate, louter, oraler, orgeat, orlage, outage, outler, raglet, ragout, ragule, ratero, regalo, regula, regulo, retour, retral, rotula, roture, router, rugate, rugola, rugrat, targer, tegula, tergal, terral, toerag, torula, tourer, trogue, troule, tuareg, tugela, tulare, turgor, turrel, uretal

5 Letter Words for Regulator

aglet, alert, aleut, algor, alout, alter, alure, argel, argle, argol, argot, argue, arret, arrgt, artel, arter, artou, arulo, atelo, atole, atour, atule, auger, auget, autor, autre, erato, ergal, ergot, erugo, etrog, galet, galut, garle, garre, gater, gator, gault, gaure, glare, glaur, gloat, gloea, glore, glout, gluer, glute, golet, goral, gorer, gorra, goter, gotra, grate, great, greta, groat, grote, grout, gruel, gteau, gular, gurle, lager, large, largo, later, latro, laure, legoa, legua, lerot, loure, luger, lurer, lutea, luteo, luter, lutra, oater, ogler, orage, orale, orate, orgal, orgue, orlet, outer, outra, outre, rager, ratel, rater, realo, regal, regar, regur, relot, reorg, retag, retal, retar, retro, roate, roger, rogue, rolag, roral, rotal, roter, rotge, rouge, roule, route, rugae, rugal, ruler, rural, tagel, taler, targe, tarre, tegua, telar, terga, terra, togue, tolar, toral, troue, truer, tugra, ultra, urare, urate, ureal, urger, urlar, utero

4 Letter Words for Regulator

aero, ager, aget, aglu, ague, aloe, alto, areg, aret, argo, arle, arte, atle, auge, aute, auto, earl, egal, egol, eorl, eral, erat, ergo, etua, euro, gael, gaet, gale, galt, gare, gart, gate, gaul, gaur, gaut, geal, gear, geat, geol, geta, glar, glor, glue, glut, goal, goar, goat, goel, goer, gola, gole, gora, gore, gote, gout, grat, gret, grot, grue, guao, guar, gula, gule, gulo, gult, gurl, gurr, gurt, laer, laet, lare, late, laur, lear, leat, leto, loge, lora, lore, lota, lote, lour, lout, luge, lura, lure, lurg, lute, ogle, ogre, olea, orae, oral, orle, orra, outa, outr, rage, rale, rare, rate, rato, ratu, real, rear, rego, regr, regt, roar, roer, role, rort, rota, rote, rotl, roua, roue, roul, rout, ruer, ruga, rule, ruta, tael, tale, tare, taro, tarr, taur, teal, tear, tega, tegu, tela, tera, terr, toea, toga, toge, tola, tole, tolu, tore, torr, toru, toug, tour, trag, trog, true, trug, tula, tule, turr, ulta, ulto, ural, urao, urea, urge, urol

3 Letter Words for Regulator

aer, age, ago, agr, agt, ale, alg, alo, alt, aor, are, arg, arr, art, aru, ate, aug, aul, ear, eat, eau, ego, ela, elt, era, erg, err, ert, eta, gal, gar, gat, gau, gel, geo, ger, get, glt, goa, gol, gor, got, gou, gra, gro, grr, gte, gue, gul, gur, gut, lag, lao, lar, lat, lea, leg, leo, ler, let, leu, loa, loe, log, lor, lot, ltr, lue, lug, luo, lur, lut, oar, oat, oer, ola, ole, ora, ore, org, orl, ort, our, out, rag, rat, rea, reg, rel, rle, roe, rog, rot, rte, rue, rug, rut, tag, tal, tao, tar, tau, tea, teg, tel, ter, tlo, tlr, toa, toe, tog, tol, tor, tou, tra, tua, tue, tug, tur, ugt, ula, ule, ult, ura, ure, uta, ute

Definitions for Regulator

[1] a person or thing that regulates.
[2] Horology . an adjustable device in a clock or a watch for making it go faster or slower. a master clock, usually of great accuracy, against which other clocks are checked.
[3] Machinery . a governor mechanism for regulating the flow of fuel, steam, etc., to an engine in order to maintain constant speed under varying load or resistance. a valve for regulating the pressure of flowing gas or liquid to maintain a predetermined pressure. any of various mechanisms for maintaining a temperature, a level of liquid in a tank, etc.
[4] Electricity . a device for maintaining a designated characteristic, as voltage or current, at a predetermined value, or for varying it according to a predetermined plan.
[5] a device on scuba equipment for regulating the rate at which compressed air is fed through a breathing tube in proportion to the depth of water.
[6] a device for maintaining a constant gas pressure.
[7] (initial capital letter ) American History . a member of any of several bands or committees in North Carolina (1767–71), formed to resist certain abuses, as extortion by officials. (in newly settled areas) a member of any band or committee organized to preserve order before the establishment of regular legal authority.
[8] a person or thing that regulates
[9] the mechanism, including the hairspring and the balance wheel, by which the speed of a timepiece is regulated
[10] a timepiece, known to be accurate, by which others are timed and regulated
[11] any of various mechanisms or devices, such as a governor valve, for controlling fluid flow, pressure, temperature, voltage, etc
[12] Also called: regulator gene a gene the product of which controls the synthesis of a product from another gene

Words related to Regulator

manager, director, switch, valve, governor, thermostat

Words nearby Regulator

regulate, regulated tenancy, regulation, regulation t, regulation u, regulator, regulator gene, regulator pin, regulatory gene, regulatory risk, regulatory sequence

Origin of Regulator

First recorded in 1645–55; regulate + -or2

Synonyms for Regulator

manager, director, governor, switch, thermostat, valve