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Showing words for REGULATORY using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Regulatory


9 Letter Words for Regulatory

erugatory, outragely, regulator

8 Letter Words for Regulatory

argutely, geolatry, largeour, legatory, outglare, outrager

7 Letter Words for Regulatory

argolet, argyrol, garoter, garrote, gaulter, gloater, grayout, greatly, grouter, gyrator, legator, outerly, outrage, outyear, regalty, regular, roguery, rotular, royalet, tegular, telurgy, torreya, torulae, touareg, tragule

6 Letter Words for Regulatory

agouty, agrote, alture, arguer, argute, argyle, artery, aurore, elator, elutor, elytra, eulogy, galore, garret, garrot, garter, gelato, geraty, glarry, glaury, gleary, goaler, goatly, gorrel, gouter, grater, grayer, grayle, grelot, grouty, gurlet, guyler, gyrate, larger, larget, lauter, layout, legato, lorate, louter, lyrate, oleary, oraler, orgeat, orlage, otalgy, outage, outlay, outler, outray, ragery, raglet, ragout, ragule, raguly, rarely, rarety, ratero, raylet, realty, rearly, regalo, regula, regulo, retour, retral, rotary, rotula, roture, router, royale, rugate, rugola, rugrat, targer, tauryl, taylor, tegula, telary, tergal, terral, toerag, torula, tourer, troely, trogue, troule, tuareg, tugela, tulare, turgor, turrel, uretal, yaourt, yogurt

5 Letter Words for Regulatory

aglet, agley, aguey, alert, aleut, algor, alogy, alout, alter, alure, argel, argle, argol, argot, argue, arret, arrgt, artel, arter, artly, artou, arulo, atelo, ately, atole, atour, atule, auger, auget, auryl, autor, autre, aygre, aylet, early, elogy, erato, ergal, ergot, erugo, etrog, eyrar, galet, galey, galut, garle, garre, gater, gator, gault, gaure, gayer, geoty, glare, glary, glaur, gloat, gloea, glore, glory, glout, gluer, gluey, glute, goary, goaty, goety, golet, goral, gorer, gorra, gorry, goter, gotra, goury, gouty, goyle, grate, great, greta, groat, grote, grout, gruel, gteau, guary, gular, gurle, gurly, gurry, guyer, guyle, guyot, gyral, lager, large, largo, largy, larry, later, latro, laure, laury, layer, leary, legoa, legua, lerot, lorry, louey, loure, louty, luger, lurer, lurgy, lurry, lutea, luteo, luter, lutra, lyart, oater, ogler, orage, orale, orary, orate, orgal, orgue, orlet, otary, outer, outly, outra, outre, oylet, rager, ratel, rater, rayle, realo, regal, regar, regur, relay, relot, reorg, retag, retal, retar, retro, retry, roary, roate, roger, rogue, roguy, rolag, roral, rorty, rotal, roter, rotge, rouge, rougy, roule, route, royal, royet, ruely, rugae, rugal, ruler, rural, rutyl, tagel, taler, targe, tarre, tarry, tayer, teary, tegua, telar, terga, terra, terry, togue, tolar, toral, toyer, troue, truer, truly, tryer, tugra, turgy, tuyer, tyler, tyrol, ultra, urare, urate, ureal, urger, urlar, utero, yager, yarer, yarto, yerga, youre, yourt, yurta

4 Letter Words for Regulatory

aero, ager, aget, aglu, agly, ague, aloe, alto, areg, aret, argo, arle, arte, arty, aryl, atle, atry, auge, aute, auto, ayre, earl, egal, egol, eorl, eral, erat, ergo, etua, euro, eyot, eyra, gael, gaet, gale, galt, gare, gart, gary, gate, gaul, gaur, gaut, geal, gear, geat, geol, gery, geta, glar, gley, glor, gloy, glue, glut, goal, goar, goat, goel, goer, gola, gole, gora, gore, gory, gote, gout, grat, gray, gret, grot, grue, guao, guar, gula, gule, gulo, gult, guly, gurl, gurr, gurt, gyal, gyle, gyre, gyro, gyte, laer, laet, lare, late, laur, lear, leat, leto, loge, logy, lora, lore, lory, lota, lote, lour, lout, luge, lura, lure, lurg, lute, lyra, lyre, lyte, oary, oaty, ogle, ogre, olea, orae, oral, orgy, orle, orly, orra, outa, outr, oyer, rage, rale, rare, rate, rato, ratu, real, rear, rego, regr, regt, rely, roar, roer, roey, role, rort, rory, rota, rote, rotl, roua, roue, roul, rout, royt, ruer, ruga, rule, ruly, ruta, ryal, ryot, tael, tale, tare, taro, tarr, taur, teal, tear, tega, tegu, tela, tera, terr, toea, toey, toga, toge, tola, tole, tolu, tore, torr, toru, toug, tour, trag, tray, trey, trog, troy, true, trug, trye, tula, tule, turr, tyer, tyro, tyrr, ugly, ulta, ulto, ural, urao, urea, urge, urol, yale, yalu, yare, yarl, yarr, yate, year, yeat, yelt, yeta, ygoe, yoga, yore, yote, your, yuga, yule, yurt

3 Letter Words for Regulatory

aer, age, ago, agr, agt, agy, ale, alg, alo, alt, aly, aor, are, arg, arr, art, aru, ary, ate, aug, aul, aye, ayr, ayu, ear, eat, eau, ego, ela, elt, era, erg, err, ert, eta, ety, eyl, eyr, gal, gar, gat, gau, gay, gel, geo, ger, get, gey, glt, goa, gol, gor, got, gou, goy, gra, gro, grr, gry, gte, gue, gul, gur, gut, guy, gye, lag, lao, lar, lat, lay, lea, leg, leo, ler, let, leu, ley, loa, loe, log, lor, lot, loy, ltr, lue, lug, luo, lur, lut, lye, oar, oat, oer, ola, ole, ora, ore, org, orl, ort, ory, our, out, oye, rag, rat, ray, rea, reg, rel, rle, rly, roe, rog, rot, rte, rue, rug, rut, rya, rye, tag, tal, tao, tar, tau, tay, tea, teg, tel, ter, tlo, tlr, toa, toe, tog, tol, tor, tou, toy, tra, try, tua, tue, tug, tur, tuy, tye, tyg, tyr, uey, ugt, ula, ule, ult, ura, ure, uta, ute, yag, yar, yat, yea, yeo, yer, yet, ygo, yoe, yor, yot, you, yue, yug

Definitions for Regulatory

[1] to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.: to regulate household expenses.
[2] to adjust to some standard or requirement, as amount, degree, etc.: to regulate the temperature.
[3] to adjust so as to ensure accuracy of operation: to regulate a watch.
[4] to put in good order: to regulate the digestion.
[5] to adjust (the amount of heat, sound, etc, of something) as required; control
[6] to adjust (an instrument or appliance) so that it operates correctly
[7] to bring into conformity with a rule, principle, or usage

Words related to Regulatory

regulateadministrative, managerial, governing, managing, regulative

Words nearby Regulatory

regulateregular tertiaries, regular verb, regular year, regularize, regularly, regulate, regulated tenancy, regulation, regulation t, regulation u, regulator

Origin of Regulatory

eFirst recorded in 1620–30, regulate is from the Late Latin word rēgulātus (past participle of rēgulāre ). See regula, -ate1

Other words from Regulatory

reg·u·la·tive [reg -yuh -ley-tiv, -yuh -luh -tiv] /ˈrɛg yəˌleɪ tɪv, -yə lə tɪv/ , reg·u·la·to·ry [reg -yuh -luh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /ˈrɛg yə ləˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective
reg·u·la·tive·ly , adverb
an·ti·reg·u·la·to·ry , adjective
mis·reg·u·late , verb (used with object), mis·reg·u·lat·ed, mis·reg·u·lat·ing.
non·reg·u·lat·ed , adjective
non·reg·u·la·tive , adjective
non·reg·u·la·to·ry , adjective
o·ver·reg·u·late , verb, o·ver·reg·u·lat·ed, o·ver·reg·u·lat·ing.
pre·reg·u·late , verb (used with object), pre·reg·u·lat·ed, pre·reg·u·lat·ing.
qua·si-reg·u·lat·ed , adjective
re·reg·u·late , verb (used with object), re·reg·u·lat·ed, re·reg·u·lat·ing.
un·reg·u·lat·ed , adjective
un·reg·u·la·tive , adjective
un·reg·u·la·to·ry , adjective
well-reg·u·lat·ed , adjective
reg′ u•la′tive null adj.
reg′ u•la′tor n.

Word origin for Regulatory

eC17: from Late Latin rēgulāre to control, from Latin rēgula a ruler

Synonyms for Regulatory

administrative, managerial, governing, managing, regulative