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Showing words for REHASH using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Rehash
hasher, rehash
5 Letter Words for Rehash
asher, earsh, hares, harsh, hears, rheas, share, shear
4 Letter Words for Rehash
ahhs, ares, ears, eras, ersh, haes, hare, hash, hear, hehs, hera, hers, rahs, rash, rehs, rhea, sahh, sare, seah, sear, shah, shea, sher
3 Letter Words for Rehash
aer, aes, ahh, ahs, are, ars, ase, ash, ear, eas, ehs, era, ers, esr, hae, has, heh, her, hes, hrs, rah, ras, rea, reh, res, rha, rhe, sah, sar, sea, ser, sha, she, shh, shr
Definitions for Rehash
[1] to work up (old material) in a new form.
[2] the act of rehashing.
[3] something rehashed.
[4] (tr) to rework, reuse, or make over (old or already used material)
[5] something consisting of old, reworked, or reused material
Words related to Rehash
restate, reuse, reiterate, repeat, rewrite, rephrase, rework, discuss, change
Words nearby Rehash
rehab, rehabilitant, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, rehabilitation department, rehash, rehearing, rehearsal, rehearse, reheat, reheating
Origin of Rehash
First recorded in 1815–25; re- + hash1
Word origin for Rehash
C19: from re- + hash 1 (to chop into pieces)
Synonyms for Rehash
restate, reuse, change, discuss, reiterate, repeat, rephrase, rework, rewrite, say again, state differently