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Showing words for RELEARN using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Relearn
6 Letter Words for Relearn
5 Letter Words for Relearn
4 Letter Words for Relearn
3 Letter Words for Relearn
Definitions for Relearn
[1] to acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience: to learn French; to learn to ski.
[2] to become informed of or acquainted with; ascertain: to learn the truth.
[3] to memorize: He learned the poem so he could recite it at the dinner.
[4] to gain (a habit, mannerism, etc.) by experience, exposure to example, or the like; acquire: She learned patience from her father.
[5] (of a device or machine, especially a computer) to perform an analogue of human learning with artificial intelligence.
[6] Nonstandard . to instruct in; teach.
[7] to acquire knowledge or skill: to learn rapidly.
[8] to become informed (usually followed by of ): to learn of an accident.
[9] to learn (something previously known) again
[10] (when tr, may take a clause as object) to gain knowledge of (something) or acquire skill in (some art or practice)
[11] (tr) to commit to memory
[12] (tr) to gain by experience, example, etc
[13] (intr; often foll by of or about) to become informed; know
[14] not standard to teach
Words related to Relearn
learncram, refurbish, renovate, reread, retouch, review, revise, study
Words nearby Relearn
learnleapfrog test, leapt, lear, lear board, lear complex, learn, learn by heart, learn one's lesson, learn to live with, learned, learned borrowing
Origin of Relearn
learnbefore 900; Middle English lernen, Old English leornian to learn, read, ponder (cognate with German lernen ); akin to lesan to glean (cognate with German lesen to read). See lear
Words that may be confused with Relearn
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, learnlearn, teach
Other words from Relearn
learn·a·ble , adjective
mis·learn , verb, mis·learned or mis·learnt, mis·learn·ing.
out·learn , verb (used with object), out·learned or out·learnt, out·learn·ing.
re·learn , verb, re·learned or re·learnt, re·learn·ing.
Word origin for Relearn
learnOld English leornian; related to Old High German lirnen
Synonyms for Relearn
clean up, cram, go over, look over, polish up, read up, refresh one's memory, refurbish, renovate, reread, retouch, review, revise, study, touch up