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Showing words for REMOTE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Remote
5 Letter Words for Remote
4 Letter Words for Remote
3 Letter Words for Remote
Definitions for Remote
[1] far apart; far distant in space; situated at some distance away: the remote jungles of Brazil.
[2] out-of-the-way; secluded: a remote village; a remote mountaintop.
[3] distant in time: remote antiquity.
[4] distant in relationship or connection: a remote ancestor.
[5] operating or controlled from a distance, as by remote control: a remote telephone answering machine.
[6] far off; abstracted; removed: principles remote from actions.
[7] not direct, primary, or proximate; not directly involved or influential: the remote causes of the war.
[8] slight or faint; unlikely: not the remotest idea; a remote chance.
[9] reserved and distant in manner; aloof; not warmly cordial.
[10] Radio and Television . a broadcast, usually live, from a location outside a studio.
[11] remote control(def 2) .
[12] located far away; distant
[13] far from any centre of population, society, or civilization; out-of-the-way
[14] distant in time
[15] distantly related or connected a remote cousin
[16] removed, as from the source or point of action
[17] slight or faint (esp in the phrases not the remotest idea, a remote chance )
[18] (of a person's manner) aloof or abstracted
[19] operated from a distance; remote-controlled a remote monitor
Words related to Remote
secluded, far-flung, unknown, inaccessible, isolated, private, outlying, faraway, lonely, distant, lonesome, far-off, obscure, farfetched, small, poor, slim, icy, backwoods, boondocks
Words nearby Remote
remora, remorse, remorseful, remorseless, remortgage, remote, remote access, remote control, remote sensing, remote sensor, remotion
Origin of Remote
1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin remōtus, past participle of removēre to move back; see remove, motion
Other words from Remote
re·mote·ly , adverb
re·mote·ness , noun
un·re·mote , adjective
un·re·mote·ly , adverb
un·re·mote·ness , noun
Word origin for Remote
C15: from Latin remōtus far removed, from removēre , from re- + movēre to move
Synonyms for Remote
distant, far-flung, far-off, faraway, inaccessible, isolated, lonely, lonesome, obscure, outlying, private, secluded, unknown, alien, back, backwoods, boondocks, far, frontier, secret, wild, beyond, devious, foreign, god-knows-where, godforsaken, in a backwater, middle of nowhere, off the beaten path, off-lying, outlandish, removed, retired, undiscovered, unsettled