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Showing words for REMUDA using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Remuda
emraud, remuda
5 Letter Words for Remuda
adrue, adure, armed, demur, derma, drame, dream, madre, mudar, mudra, mured, ramed
4 Letter Words for Remuda
amur, ardu, ared, arum, daer, dame, dare, daur, dear, derm, dram, drum, duar, duer, duma, dura, eard, edam, emda, euda, made, maed, mard, mare, maru, maud, mead, mear, merd, mura, mure, rade, rame, read, ream, rude, rued, rume, urde, urea
3 Letter Words for Remuda
ade, adm, aer, ame, amu, ard, are, arm, aru, aud, aum, dae, dam, dar, dau, dea, dem, der, due, dum, dur, ead, eam, ear, eau, emu, era, erd, mad, mae, mar, mau, mea, med, mer, meu, mrd, mud, rad, ram, rea, red, rem, rud, rue, rum, uma, ume, ura, urd, ure
Definitions for Remuda
[1] a group of saddle horses from which ranch hands choose mounts for the day.
Words nearby Remuda
remove, removed, remover, remscheid, remsen, remuda, remuera tractor, remunerate, remuneration, remunerative, remus
Origin of Remuda
1835–45, Americanism ; < American Spanish: a change (of horses), Spanish: exchange, derivative of remudar to change, replace, equivalent to re- re- + mudar to change (< Latin mūtāre )